Jumat, 13 Mei 2011

Why study medicine in the United Kingdom?

United Kingdom medical training has a long history of excellence and of offering training to
overseas doctors. Leaders in medicine throughout the world have received their medical education
in the UK. Its hospitals and other clinical settings are renowned for the quality of their teaching and
their influential medical research. In the UK your medical training will be extensive and demanding.
It will equip you with practical experience as well as professional practice.
Checklist: Why study medicine in the United Kingdom?
• UK medicine is respected worldwide and UK qualifications are widely accepted.
• UK undergraduate medical schools take 7.5 per cent of their intake from overseas.
• Overseas doctors who qualify in a UK medical school can make the same professional progress in UK hospitals
as graduates from the UK and European Economic Area (EEA).
• Many overseas doctors come to the UK every year to benefit from postgraduate training.
• There are well-established postgraduate training routes for international students and postgraduate training can
lead to membership or fellowship of prestigious professional societies and colleges.
• One-year pre-medicine courses are available for those with high-grade passes in arts subjects who
want to study medicine.
1 What can I study?
What is the nature of the undergraduate course?
UK undergraduate medical training is designed to give you a firm grounding in the basic medical
science subjects. You would also be taught clinical and diagnostic skills. You could take an
intercalated degree course, which would give you the chance to study a medical science subject in
depth and also gain a BSc degree.
Where can I do an undergraduate medical degree?
There are currently 30 medical schools in the UK, including 4 new schools that have recently been established:
University of East Anglia – www.med.uea.ac.uk
Hull York Medical School – www.hyms.ac.uk
Brighton and Sussex Medical School – www.bsms.ac.uk
Peninsula Medical School – www.pms.ac.uk
The Council of Heads of Medical Schools website – www.chms.ac.uk – provides links to the websites of all the UK
medical schools.
Medicine www.educationuk.org 2
Are all courses the same no matter where you take them?
No, there are variations in the curricula and in the teaching methods. The qualification is the same (Bachelor of
Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery), expressed as MB ChB. But all courses must comply with the demands of the
General Medical Council (GMC) and the guidance outlined in Tomorrow’s Doctors.
Tomorrow’s Doctors is a set of recommendations by the GMC which identifies the knowledge, skills, attitudes and
behaviour expected of new graduates. It also provides the standards for UK medical schools that the GMC will use to
evaluate the quality of undergraduate teaching and assessment.
This document can be found on the GMC website at www.gmc-uk.org/education/foundation/new_doctor.asp
How long is the course?
Usually five years, but it can be six if you take an intercalated degree. In order to complete basic medical education in
UK, you must also complete a period of foundation training for two years – known as F1 and F2. European Directive
93/16 stipulates that a student must complete 5,500 hours of study or six years of basic education.
Four-year graduate entry programme
In the last few years a number of medical schools have introduced fast-track graduate entry medical degree
programmes. The accelerated graduate entry programme (GEP) leads to the same qualification as the usual
undergraduate course (MB ChB, etc.) but takes only four years to complete. GEPs are currently offered by the
following medical schools:
• Queen Mary, University of London
• University of Newcastle
• University of Nottingham
• University of Oxford
• University of Southampton
• St George’s, University of London
• University of Wales, Swansea
• University of Warwick.
• King’s College School of Medicine (London)
• University of Birmingham
• University of Bristol
• University of Cambridge
• University of Leicester
• University of Liverpool

Competition for GEP places is very intense and you will usually need at least an upper second class degree or the
recognised equivalent. Some of the GEPs are only open to life science graduates or health science graduates, but
those at St George’s, Cambridge, Newcastle, Nottingham, Southampton and Wales are open to graduates of any
discipline (including arts graduates).
Are there alternatives to studying at a medical school?
Yes. There are other primary medical qualifications awarded in the UK that entitle the holder to provisional registration
with the GMC. These are licentiate degrees for surgeons and physicians, run by the United Examining Board and
administered from the Society of Apothecaries (www.apothecaries.org). If you wish to find out whether there is
currently an opportunity to apply for these degrees, you should contact the Society of Apothecaries for further
Can I study as a postgraduate doctor in the UK if I have a medical degree from overseas?
If you are undertaking an academic course which does not include a clinical component you are not required to
register with the GMC. Any courses that have a clinical component may require registration with the GMC. Your
institution will be able to advise on this.
If you want to undertake postgraduate medical training in the UK you will require registration with the GMC (and from
2005, a licence to practise from the GMC). Information about registration with the GMC is available on its website at
Medicine www.educationuk.org 3
The National Advice Centre for Postgraduate Medical Education (NACPME) is an information service for overseas-
qualified doctors who wish to train in the UK. It is administered by the National Health Service (NHS) on behalf of the
Department of Health. NACPME aims to provide doctors with as much information as they need about postgraduate
study or practice in the UK. You can access a NACPME factsheet at www.nhscareers.nhs.uk/nacpme or see contact
details for NACPME in the section below entitled 'Where can I find more information?’.
What issues should I consider as an international student?
Prospective students should read Tomorrow’s Doctors on the GMC website for detailed guidance on medical
undergraduate training and the conduct expected from medical students – www.gmc-
• Following the completion of undergraduate medical training, you cannot carry out any clinical training involving the
exercise of the privileges of doctors unless you have registered with the GMC. Enquiries about registration should
be made to the GMC at least nine months in advance of coming to the UK.
International students with UK medical degrees intending to return to the UK for postgraduate training need to apply
for registration.
2 Entrance
Competition for undergraduate places at medical schools is intense. There are far fewer places than applicants, and
there is a government-imposed limit on the number of places that can be offered to students from outside the
European Economic Area (EEA). Depending on the size of its intake, each medical school is given a limit on the
number of places it can offer to non-EEA students. This is generally between 6 and 16 places. When allocating these
few places, some medical schools will give preference to students from countries where medical training facilities are
inadequate or non-existent.
What academic qualifications would I need for a first degree?
• Three A-levels at good grades. Applicants should usually have two science subjects plus one other A-level, which
may be an arts subject. For specific information refer to the admissions information of the medical school to which
you wish to apply.
• Five Scottish Higher passes at good grades. It is not necessary to have Scottish qualifications to be considered by
a Scottish medical school but you should look at each school’s requirements.
• Medical schools usually accept International Baccalaureate and European Baccalaureate qualifications.
• A good understanding of both written and spoken English. Schools usually require a minimum score of 6.5 on the
IELTS exam. Ask your local British Council office where and when you can take the test.
What else would I need?
The personal qualities required include commitment, perseverance, initiative, originality, personal integrity, concern for
others, and the ability to communicate. You will find it helpful to consider the GMC guidance on undergraduate training
contained in their publication Tomorrow’s Doctors for a list of the outcomes that medical students will need to
demonstrate at the conclusion of their degree.
Some UK Medical Schools require candidates for undergraduate medical courses to take the BMAT (BioMedical
Admissions Test) or MSAT (Medical Schools Admissions Test). Candidates for graduate entry may be required to take
the GAMSAT (Graduate Australian Medical School Admissions Test). The results of these tests are used alongside
the candidate’s other application information to inform the admissions process. Make sure that you check whether you
will have to sit a test. The University of Cambridge, University of Oxford, University of Manchester, UCL and Imperial
College London all use the BMAT. GAMSAT is used by Peninsula for entrance to the five year course and by other
Schools to assess applicants to accelerated graduate entry courses (candidates would have to check individual
admissions information as graduate entry courses do not all use this).
From June 2006, for entrance to medicine or dentistry in September 2007, 24 medical and 8 dental schools in the UK
will be using the UKCAT (UK Clinical Aptitude Test) to supplement traditional measures of achievement. It will only
form one part of the selection process and each school will determine the weight given to results. The test will be
taken at Pearson VUE centres, which are widely distributed across the world. Check individual university admissions
pages to find out whether you will be required to sit the test.
Access to Medicine courses
If you do not meet the entry requirements, you may want to consider taking a one-year Access to Medicine course.
Access to Medicine courses are currently offered by:
• City College, Norwich
• Manchester College of Arts and Technology
• College of West Anglia, King’s Lynn
• Sussex Downs College, Lewes.
Not all medical schools accept this qualification and applicants should check the entry requirements of
individual schools. The course at West Anglia is the most widely accepted. Search for access courses at
What are the entry requirements for the four-year graduate entry programme?
• Usually at least an upper second honours degree or the recognised equivalent.
• Most schools require your degree to be in the life sciences or the health sciences, but St George’s and the
University of Nottingham at Derby will consider graduates of any discipline.
How do I apply for a degree?
All applications, including those for graduate entry programmes, must be made through the Universities and Colleges
Admissions Service (UCAS). You must send your application to them by 15 October the year before you wish to start
your course. This is three months earlier than the UCAS deadline for other courses. You can apply to a maximum of
four medical schools.
UCAS now requires online application through its ‘Apply’ service at www.ucas.com/apply/index/html
UCAS now requires online application through its ‘Apply’ service at www.ucas.com/apply/index/html
Checklist: Undergraduate applications
• Always consult the individual medical schools to see what academic qualifications they ask for.
• Are your academic results good enough?
• Can you afford the fees?
• Can you show the personal qualities that medical schools ask for?
• Is your English fluent enough? Check the individual requirements of the medical schools to which you wish to
• Have you taken one of the aptitude tests required by most medical schools?
3 How can I register as a professional?

Please refer to the GMC website – www.gmc-uk.org/register/
Doctors must be registered with the GMC to practise medicine in the UK. To register they must have a recognised
medical qualification. A new requirement is being introduced that means doctors must demonstrate their continuing
fitness to practise in order to remain registered – this is called revalidation.
The medical register shows who is properly qualified to practise medicine in the UK. Containing about 200,000
doctors, it is maintained and updated daily by the GMC.
Medicine www.educationuk.org 4
Medicine www.educationuk.org 5
The GMC has altered the registration process for medical graduates who qualified in Australia, Hong Kong, New
Zealand, Singapore, South Africa and the West Indies before 31 October 2003 or the University of Malaya before 31
December 1989. Please consult the GMC’s website for current guidance on registration in the UK. You may be entitled
to limited registration. For further information please see the GMC website at www.gmc-
4 Next steps
Checklist: Your next steps
1 Do your initial research for course on www.educationuk.org or www.chms.ac.uk
2 Ask a school whether or not they require the IELTS and UKCAT, BMAT, MSAT or GAMSAT tests.
3 Apply by 15 October through the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS). You should use only
four of your choices for medicine, though you can still choose two other courses.
4 You will normally be expected to attend an interview. A few medical schools will excuse this, or arrange for the
interview to be held in your own country.
British Council Education information
Website www.educationuk.org
For further information, you can find details of your nearest office at www.britishcouncil.org/home-contact-worldwide.htm which
includes links to all our country web pages and a worldwide address book giving contact details for all offices.
Association of Commonwealth Universities Royal College of Surgeons of England
36 Gordon Square 35–43 Lincoln’s Inn Fields
London WC1H 0PF London WC2A 3PE
Telephone +44 (0)20 7380 6700 Telephone +44 (0)20 7405 3474
Fax +44 (0)20 7387 2655 Fax +44 (0)20 7831 9438
Email info@acu.ac.uk Website www.rcseng.ac.uk
Website www.acu.ac.uk
National Advice Centre for Postgraduate
General Medical Council Medical Education (NACPME)
Regent’s Place PO Box 2516
350 Euston Road St James House
London NW1 3JN Bristol BS2 2AA
Telephone (overseas callers) +44 (0)161 923 6602 Telephone +44 (0)117 915 7069
Telephone (UK callers) +44 (0)845 357 3456 Fax +44 (0)117 915 6721
Fax +44 (0)20 7915 3641 Email nacpme@nhscareers.nhs.uk
Email gmc@gmc-uk.org or registrationhelp@gmc-uk.org Website www.nhscareers.nhs.uk/nacpme
Website www.gmc-uk.org
British International Doctors Association
BMA – British Medical Association Email info@bidauk.org
BMA House Website www.bidauk.org
Tavistock Square
London WC1H 9JP Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow
Telephone +44 (0)20 7387 4499 232–242 St Vincent Street
Fax +44 (0)20 7383 6400 Glasgow G2 5RJ
Email info.web@bma.org.uk Telephone +44 (0)141 221 6072
Website www.bma.org.uk Fax +44 (0)141 221 1804
Website www.rcpsglasg.ac.uk
Royal College of Physicians
Overseas Liaison Office United Examining Board
11 St Andrews Place The Registrar
Regent’s Park Apothecaries’ Hall
London NW1 4LE Black Friars Lane
Telephone +44 (0)20 7935 1174 London EC4V 6EJ
Fax +44 (0)20 7487 5218 Telephone +44 (0)20 7236 1180
Website www.rcplondon.ac.uk Fax +44 (0)20 7329 3177
Email registrar@apothecaries.org
Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh Website www.apothecaries.org
Nicholson Street
Medicine www.educationuk.org 6
Edinburgh EH8 9DW Universities and Colleges Admissions
Telephone +44 (0)131 527 1600 Service (UCAS)
Fax +44 (0)131 557 6406 PO Box 28
Email information@rcsed.ac.uk Cheltenham
Website www.rcsed.ac.uk Gloucestershire GL52 3LZ
Telephone +44 (0)870 112 2211
Council of Heads of Medical Schools (CHMS) Fax +44 (0)1242 544 961
Woburn House, 20 Tavistock Square Email enquiries@ucas.ac.uk
London WC1H 9HD Website www.ucas.com
Telephone +44 (0)20 7419 5494
Fax +44 (0)20 7380 1482
Email admin@chms.ac.uk
Website www.chms.ac.uk
Other useful resources
Complete Guide to Healthcare Professions – Courses 2005 (UCAS/Trotman, 2004, ISBN 0856609579) – over 5,000
courses in 18 sections are listed. Information includes entry requirements, descriptions of each discipline and common
course characteristics.
While every effort has been made to ensure that the information given here is correct and up to date, the British Council accepts no
legal liability for its accuracy, currency or completeness.
February 2006
© British Council 2006
The United Kingdom's international organisation for educational opportunities and cultural relations
We are registered in England as a charity.

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