Jumat, 13 Mei 2011

Business Monitor Online

Business Monitor Online (BMO) is a market research service of Business Monitor International (BMI). BMO offers in-depth
market research reports on 175 global markets and major industry sectors, contains multinational companies’ profiles, and
includes database of macroeconomic data across global markets along with the country risk analysis and forecasts and cu
updates on economic and political developments in each country.
Quarterly comprehensive country reports on 175 countries worldwide with an emphasis on emerging markets
Quarterly reports on 16 industry sectors across 50 global markets
Company profiles of over 500 multinational corporations and their 75,000 plus subsidiaries worldwide
Currency forecasts for 45 countries for 3, 6, and 12-month terms
Report coverage differs with the earliest going back to 2000; most of the macroeconomic data available since 1999

Click on icon on the right below the banner on any page to access the database Help file
For search assistance, ask a librarian at the Information Desk or email to Jackson-infodesk@gsb.stanford.edu
For technical problems, email to rcrc-action@gsb.stanford.edu
For additional data requests click on the My account manager link from the right top corner or click on the Email the
analyst link at the top of a report page
Searching Business Monitor Online
You can search BMO by the following methods starting at the Home page, shown below:

Search across the entire database by performing a simple Keyword Search or Advanced Search in the search area
located in the top right corner on every page
Search across the entire database by selecting the service or the industry listed in the box on the left, e.g. Country Ri
Company Intelligence, Autos, etc.
Search for data and reports on specific country or region by selecting geography from the bar below the banner

BMO Services
BMO offers the following services: Country Risk • Financial Markets • Industry Analysis • Company Intelligence.
Additionally, you can create reports using data from macroeconomic and industry indicators database.
All services are searchable either on a global level, across the entire database or on a regional or country level. To open a
service Home page, click on the name of the service listed in the box on the left hand side of each page. Each Service or
Service/Geography Home page includes two types of materials:
News & Analysis – articles section; contains the latest articles written by BMI analysts pertaining to the selected service and
Strategic Analysis – reports section; contains structured, regular reports issued by BMI analysts as well as one off Special
Reports and pertaining to Service/Geography selection
Following is the short description of selected types of reports in each of the four BMO services listed above:
Country Risk Service
Sovereign Risk Rating - region-specific, quarterly rating of the debt servicing capabilities of emerging market governments.
Country-specific reports:
BMI View - analysts’ ongoing digest of current political and financial developments that have an impact on the country’s
business environment including BMI forecasts
Country Update - monthly report summarizing key developments in over 100 global markets during a month. Country
Update includes risk summary, macroeconomic forecast, and political and economic analysis.
Country Risk Ratings and Country Risk Updates – analysis of short- and long-term political, economic, and business
environment risks for over 130 markets
Country Forecast - quarterly expanded report containing SWOT country analysis, risk assessment and ratings, and 4-year
economic forecast for over 75 global markets. The link to the latest report and archive of all reports ever issued is located in
the box on the right side of Strategic Analysis section.
Financial Markets service
Currency Forecast – country-specific report containing 3-, 6-, and 12-month currency forecasts for over 40 emerging
currencies. The tables are accompanied by research notes.

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