Jumat, 13 Mei 2011

Why study medicine in the United Kingdom?

United Kingdom medical training has a long history of excellence and of offering training to
overseas doctors. Leaders in medicine throughout the world have received their medical education
in the UK. Its hospitals and other clinical settings are renowned for the quality of their teaching and
their influential medical research. In the UK your medical training will be extensive and demanding.
It will equip you with practical experience as well as professional practice.
Checklist: Why study medicine in the United Kingdom?
• UK medicine is respected worldwide and UK qualifications are widely accepted.
• UK undergraduate medical schools take 7.5 per cent of their intake from overseas.
• Overseas doctors who qualify in a UK medical school can make the same professional progress in UK hospitals
as graduates from the UK and European Economic Area (EEA).
• Many overseas doctors come to the UK every year to benefit from postgraduate training.
• There are well-established postgraduate training routes for international students and postgraduate training can
lead to membership or fellowship of prestigious professional societies and colleges.
• One-year pre-medicine courses are available for those with high-grade passes in arts subjects who
want to study medicine.
1 What can I study?
What is the nature of the undergraduate course?
UK undergraduate medical training is designed to give you a firm grounding in the basic medical
science subjects. You would also be taught clinical and diagnostic skills. You could take an
intercalated degree course, which would give you the chance to study a medical science subject in
depth and also gain a BSc degree.
Where can I do an undergraduate medical degree?
There are currently 30 medical schools in the UK, including 4 new schools that have recently been established:
University of East Anglia – www.med.uea.ac.uk
Hull York Medical School – www.hyms.ac.uk
Brighton and Sussex Medical School – www.bsms.ac.uk
Peninsula Medical School – www.pms.ac.uk
The Council of Heads of Medical Schools website – www.chms.ac.uk – provides links to the websites of all the UK
medical schools.
Medicine www.educationuk.org 2
Are all courses the same no matter where you take them?
No, there are variations in the curricula and in the teaching methods. The qualification is the same (Bachelor of
Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery), expressed as MB ChB. But all courses must comply with the demands of the
General Medical Council (GMC) and the guidance outlined in Tomorrow’s Doctors.
Tomorrow’s Doctors is a set of recommendations by the GMC which identifies the knowledge, skills, attitudes and
behaviour expected of new graduates. It also provides the standards for UK medical schools that the GMC will use to
evaluate the quality of undergraduate teaching and assessment.
This document can be found on the GMC website at www.gmc-uk.org/education/foundation/new_doctor.asp
How long is the course?
Usually five years, but it can be six if you take an intercalated degree. In order to complete basic medical education in
UK, you must also complete a period of foundation training for two years – known as F1 and F2. European Directive
93/16 stipulates that a student must complete 5,500 hours of study or six years of basic education.
Four-year graduate entry programme
In the last few years a number of medical schools have introduced fast-track graduate entry medical degree
programmes. The accelerated graduate entry programme (GEP) leads to the same qualification as the usual
undergraduate course (MB ChB, etc.) but takes only four years to complete. GEPs are currently offered by the
following medical schools:
• Queen Mary, University of London
• University of Newcastle
• University of Nottingham
• University of Oxford
• University of Southampton
• St George’s, University of London
• University of Wales, Swansea
• University of Warwick.
• King’s College School of Medicine (London)
• University of Birmingham
• University of Bristol
• University of Cambridge
• University of Leicester
• University of Liverpool

Competition for GEP places is very intense and you will usually need at least an upper second class degree or the
recognised equivalent. Some of the GEPs are only open to life science graduates or health science graduates, but
those at St George’s, Cambridge, Newcastle, Nottingham, Southampton and Wales are open to graduates of any
discipline (including arts graduates).
Are there alternatives to studying at a medical school?
Yes. There are other primary medical qualifications awarded in the UK that entitle the holder to provisional registration
with the GMC. These are licentiate degrees for surgeons and physicians, run by the United Examining Board and
administered from the Society of Apothecaries (www.apothecaries.org). If you wish to find out whether there is
currently an opportunity to apply for these degrees, you should contact the Society of Apothecaries for further
Can I study as a postgraduate doctor in the UK if I have a medical degree from overseas?
If you are undertaking an academic course which does not include a clinical component you are not required to
register with the GMC. Any courses that have a clinical component may require registration with the GMC. Your
institution will be able to advise on this.
If you want to undertake postgraduate medical training in the UK you will require registration with the GMC (and from
2005, a licence to practise from the GMC). Information about registration with the GMC is available on its website at
Medicine www.educationuk.org 3
The National Advice Centre for Postgraduate Medical Education (NACPME) is an information service for overseas-
qualified doctors who wish to train in the UK. It is administered by the National Health Service (NHS) on behalf of the
Department of Health. NACPME aims to provide doctors with as much information as they need about postgraduate
study or practice in the UK. You can access a NACPME factsheet at www.nhscareers.nhs.uk/nacpme or see contact
details for NACPME in the section below entitled 'Where can I find more information?’.
What issues should I consider as an international student?
Prospective students should read Tomorrow’s Doctors on the GMC website for detailed guidance on medical
undergraduate training and the conduct expected from medical students – www.gmc-
• Following the completion of undergraduate medical training, you cannot carry out any clinical training involving the
exercise of the privileges of doctors unless you have registered with the GMC. Enquiries about registration should
be made to the GMC at least nine months in advance of coming to the UK.
International students with UK medical degrees intending to return to the UK for postgraduate training need to apply
for registration.
2 Entrance
Competition for undergraduate places at medical schools is intense. There are far fewer places than applicants, and
there is a government-imposed limit on the number of places that can be offered to students from outside the
European Economic Area (EEA). Depending on the size of its intake, each medical school is given a limit on the
number of places it can offer to non-EEA students. This is generally between 6 and 16 places. When allocating these
few places, some medical schools will give preference to students from countries where medical training facilities are
inadequate or non-existent.
What academic qualifications would I need for a first degree?
• Three A-levels at good grades. Applicants should usually have two science subjects plus one other A-level, which
may be an arts subject. For specific information refer to the admissions information of the medical school to which
you wish to apply.
• Five Scottish Higher passes at good grades. It is not necessary to have Scottish qualifications to be considered by
a Scottish medical school but you should look at each school’s requirements.
• Medical schools usually accept International Baccalaureate and European Baccalaureate qualifications.
• A good understanding of both written and spoken English. Schools usually require a minimum score of 6.5 on the
IELTS exam. Ask your local British Council office where and when you can take the test.
What else would I need?
The personal qualities required include commitment, perseverance, initiative, originality, personal integrity, concern for
others, and the ability to communicate. You will find it helpful to consider the GMC guidance on undergraduate training
contained in their publication Tomorrow’s Doctors for a list of the outcomes that medical students will need to
demonstrate at the conclusion of their degree.
Some UK Medical Schools require candidates for undergraduate medical courses to take the BMAT (BioMedical
Admissions Test) or MSAT (Medical Schools Admissions Test). Candidates for graduate entry may be required to take
the GAMSAT (Graduate Australian Medical School Admissions Test). The results of these tests are used alongside
the candidate’s other application information to inform the admissions process. Make sure that you check whether you
will have to sit a test. The University of Cambridge, University of Oxford, University of Manchester, UCL and Imperial
College London all use the BMAT. GAMSAT is used by Peninsula for entrance to the five year course and by other
Schools to assess applicants to accelerated graduate entry courses (candidates would have to check individual
admissions information as graduate entry courses do not all use this).
From June 2006, for entrance to medicine or dentistry in September 2007, 24 medical and 8 dental schools in the UK
will be using the UKCAT (UK Clinical Aptitude Test) to supplement traditional measures of achievement. It will only
form one part of the selection process and each school will determine the weight given to results. The test will be
taken at Pearson VUE centres, which are widely distributed across the world. Check individual university admissions
pages to find out whether you will be required to sit the test.
Access to Medicine courses
If you do not meet the entry requirements, you may want to consider taking a one-year Access to Medicine course.
Access to Medicine courses are currently offered by:
• City College, Norwich
• Manchester College of Arts and Technology
• College of West Anglia, King’s Lynn
• Sussex Downs College, Lewes.
Not all medical schools accept this qualification and applicants should check the entry requirements of
individual schools. The course at West Anglia is the most widely accepted. Search for access courses at
What are the entry requirements for the four-year graduate entry programme?
• Usually at least an upper second honours degree or the recognised equivalent.
• Most schools require your degree to be in the life sciences or the health sciences, but St George’s and the
University of Nottingham at Derby will consider graduates of any discipline.
How do I apply for a degree?
All applications, including those for graduate entry programmes, must be made through the Universities and Colleges
Admissions Service (UCAS). You must send your application to them by 15 October the year before you wish to start
your course. This is three months earlier than the UCAS deadline for other courses. You can apply to a maximum of
four medical schools.
UCAS now requires online application through its ‘Apply’ service at www.ucas.com/apply/index/html
UCAS now requires online application through its ‘Apply’ service at www.ucas.com/apply/index/html
Checklist: Undergraduate applications
• Always consult the individual medical schools to see what academic qualifications they ask for.
• Are your academic results good enough?
• Can you afford the fees?
• Can you show the personal qualities that medical schools ask for?
• Is your English fluent enough? Check the individual requirements of the medical schools to which you wish to
• Have you taken one of the aptitude tests required by most medical schools?
3 How can I register as a professional?

Please refer to the GMC website – www.gmc-uk.org/register/
Doctors must be registered with the GMC to practise medicine in the UK. To register they must have a recognised
medical qualification. A new requirement is being introduced that means doctors must demonstrate their continuing
fitness to practise in order to remain registered – this is called revalidation.
The medical register shows who is properly qualified to practise medicine in the UK. Containing about 200,000
doctors, it is maintained and updated daily by the GMC.
Medicine www.educationuk.org 4
Medicine www.educationuk.org 5
The GMC has altered the registration process for medical graduates who qualified in Australia, Hong Kong, New
Zealand, Singapore, South Africa and the West Indies before 31 October 2003 or the University of Malaya before 31
December 1989. Please consult the GMC’s website for current guidance on registration in the UK. You may be entitled
to limited registration. For further information please see the GMC website at www.gmc-
4 Next steps
Checklist: Your next steps
1 Do your initial research for course on www.educationuk.org or www.chms.ac.uk
2 Ask a school whether or not they require the IELTS and UKCAT, BMAT, MSAT or GAMSAT tests.
3 Apply by 15 October through the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS). You should use only
four of your choices for medicine, though you can still choose two other courses.
4 You will normally be expected to attend an interview. A few medical schools will excuse this, or arrange for the
interview to be held in your own country.
British Council Education information
Website www.educationuk.org
For further information, you can find details of your nearest office at www.britishcouncil.org/home-contact-worldwide.htm which
includes links to all our country web pages and a worldwide address book giving contact details for all offices.
Association of Commonwealth Universities Royal College of Surgeons of England
36 Gordon Square 35–43 Lincoln’s Inn Fields
London WC1H 0PF London WC2A 3PE
Telephone +44 (0)20 7380 6700 Telephone +44 (0)20 7405 3474
Fax +44 (0)20 7387 2655 Fax +44 (0)20 7831 9438
Email info@acu.ac.uk Website www.rcseng.ac.uk
Website www.acu.ac.uk
National Advice Centre for Postgraduate
General Medical Council Medical Education (NACPME)
Regent’s Place PO Box 2516
350 Euston Road St James House
London NW1 3JN Bristol BS2 2AA
Telephone (overseas callers) +44 (0)161 923 6602 Telephone +44 (0)117 915 7069
Telephone (UK callers) +44 (0)845 357 3456 Fax +44 (0)117 915 6721
Fax +44 (0)20 7915 3641 Email nacpme@nhscareers.nhs.uk
Email gmc@gmc-uk.org or registrationhelp@gmc-uk.org Website www.nhscareers.nhs.uk/nacpme
Website www.gmc-uk.org
British International Doctors Association
BMA – British Medical Association Email info@bidauk.org
BMA House Website www.bidauk.org
Tavistock Square
London WC1H 9JP Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow
Telephone +44 (0)20 7387 4499 232–242 St Vincent Street
Fax +44 (0)20 7383 6400 Glasgow G2 5RJ
Email info.web@bma.org.uk Telephone +44 (0)141 221 6072
Website www.bma.org.uk Fax +44 (0)141 221 1804
Website www.rcpsglasg.ac.uk
Royal College of Physicians
Overseas Liaison Office United Examining Board
11 St Andrews Place The Registrar
Regent’s Park Apothecaries’ Hall
London NW1 4LE Black Friars Lane
Telephone +44 (0)20 7935 1174 London EC4V 6EJ
Fax +44 (0)20 7487 5218 Telephone +44 (0)20 7236 1180
Website www.rcplondon.ac.uk Fax +44 (0)20 7329 3177
Email registrar@apothecaries.org
Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh Website www.apothecaries.org
Nicholson Street
Medicine www.educationuk.org 6
Edinburgh EH8 9DW Universities and Colleges Admissions
Telephone +44 (0)131 527 1600 Service (UCAS)
Fax +44 (0)131 557 6406 PO Box 28
Email information@rcsed.ac.uk Cheltenham
Website www.rcsed.ac.uk Gloucestershire GL52 3LZ
Telephone +44 (0)870 112 2211
Council of Heads of Medical Schools (CHMS) Fax +44 (0)1242 544 961
Woburn House, 20 Tavistock Square Email enquiries@ucas.ac.uk
London WC1H 9HD Website www.ucas.com
Telephone +44 (0)20 7419 5494
Fax +44 (0)20 7380 1482
Email admin@chms.ac.uk
Website www.chms.ac.uk
Other useful resources
Complete Guide to Healthcare Professions – Courses 2005 (UCAS/Trotman, 2004, ISBN 0856609579) – over 5,000
courses in 18 sections are listed. Information includes entry requirements, descriptions of each discipline and common
course characteristics.
While every effort has been made to ensure that the information given here is correct and up to date, the British Council accepts no
legal liability for its accuracy, currency or completeness.
February 2006
© British Council 2006
The United Kingdom's international organisation for educational opportunities and cultural relations
We are registered in England as a charity.


Hollywood Cemetery was formally dedicated on 25 June 1849. Designed by architect and landscape designer John
Notman, Hollywood was modeled after the rural cemeteries popular during the mid-nineteenth century. In addition to
providing a place for burials, these cemeteries were designed for the living to enjoy a natural, park-like setting. When
James Monroe was reinterred there on 5 July 1858, the prestige of Hollywood was established. More than eighteen
thousand Civil War soldiers and officers were buried there, solidifying Hollywood’s place of importance in the hearts of
Virginians. Other notables buried at Hollywood Cemetery include Jefferson Davis, Ellen Glasgow, and John Tyler.
Hollywood continues as an active cemetery, frequented by tourists and locals alike who come to visit ancestral and
notable gravesites, to admire the extensive examples of mortuary art and decorative cast iron, and to enjoy the lovely
grounds and picturesque views.
Dimmock, Marion Johnson. Architectural drawings and plans, 1885–1908, n.d. General Architectural Files
Collection, Folder 15, Accession 36481.
Plans, sections and elevations (five items) of the Mortuary Chapel at Hollywood Cemetery drawn 1897–1898 by
M. J. Dimmock, architect.
Hollywood Cemetery Company. Records: Richmond, Virginia, 1847–1992. Business Records Collection,
Accessions 30045, 32756, and 34423 (microfilm). Miscellaneous reels 626–628, 1015–1024, 1025–1027,
and 1130–1131.
This collection consists of the business records of the Hollywood Cemetery Company of Richmond, Virginia. These
records include a list of original subscribers, copies of deeds to the property, plats, board of directors’ minutes, corre-
spondence with John Notman, registers of interments, and card indices to burials. Originals held by Virginia His-
torical Society, Richmond, and Hollywood Cemetery Company, Richmond.
J. Henry Brown Monuments, Inc. Order books, 1899–1920. Business Records collection, Accessions 23985 and
Twelve volumes containing names and addresses of customers, prices charged, as well as sketches of the cemetery
monuments, head-, corner-, and date stones, including specifications and inscriptions. Many of the entries indicate
monuments placed in Hollywood Cemetery. Partial index available online at the Library of Virginia Web site.
Richmond (Va.) Office of the City Engineer. Architectural drawings and plans, 1809–1975. Roll 18,
Accession 34886.
Blueprint of plan of Hollywood Cemetery dated 1910 with plots numbered. Drawn by John Hooper, compiled from
old sectional maps of J. Notman, Joseph J. Pleasants, and C.P.E. Burgwyn.
Richmond (Va.) Office of the City Engineer. Architectural drawings and plans, 1809–1975. Folder 14,
Accession 34886.
Partial plan of Hollywood Cemetery and the Clarke Springs property.
Selected Resources Available at the Library of Virginia
Archives Research Services • 800 East Broad Street • Richmond, VA 23219-8000 • 804/692-3888 • www.lva.lib.va.usGoudie, Carolyn. Guide to Cemetery Records at the Library of Virginia.
This unpublished guide is available at all reference desks. See Richmond City section for a complete listing of avail-
able records of interments of Hollywood Cemetery.
Hollywood Cemetery. Richmond, Virginia. March 1994. 755.44 S8 1994.
Copy of map distributed by Hollywood Cemetery detailing lots and sections.
DuPriest, James E. Hollywood Cemetery: A Tour. Richmond: Richmond Discoveries, Inc., 1985.
Gentleman of Richmond. Address Delivered at the Dedication of the Holly-wood Cemetery, on Monday, the 25th of
June, 1849. Richmond: Macfarlane & Fergusson, Printers, 1849.
Gordon, Armistead C. John Tyler, Tenth President of the United States; an Address by Armistead C. Gordon, at the
Dedication, October 12, 1915, of the Monument Erected by Congress in Hollywood Cemetery, Richmond, Va.,
in Memory of President Tyler. [n.p.], 1915.
Greiff, Constance M. John Notman, Architect, 1810–1865. Philadelphia: Athenaeum of Philadelphia, 1979.
Hollywood Cemetery. Historical Sketch of Hollywood Cemetery, From the 3d of June, 1847, to 1st Nov. 1875.
Richmond: Baughman Brothers, 1875.
Ladies’ Hollywood Memorial Association. Our Confederate Dead. Richmond: Whittet & Shepperson, Printers, for
Ladies’ Hollywood Memorial Association, 1916.
Ladies’ Hollywood Memorial Association. Register of the Confederate Dead, Interred in Hollywood Cemetery,
Richmond, Va. Richmond: Gary, Clemmitt & Jones, Printers, 1869.
Markham, Jerald H. List of Confederate Veterans Buried in Hollywood Cemetery from Camp Lee Soldiers Home,
1894–1946. Lynchburg, Va. : J.H. Markham, 1986.
Mitchell, Mary H. Hollywood Cemetery: The History of a Southern Shrine, 2d. ed. Richmond: Library of Virginia,
Various images, including postcards and photographs, are available for research in the Picture Collection.
(By appointment, Monday through Friday, 9–4:30)
Compiled by Marcella Curry
Revised July 2000

Film Collection

Film Collection
1. Abe Lincoln in Illinois, US 1940 (110 min) bw (DVD)
d John Cromwell, play Robert E. Sherwood, ph James Wong Howe, with Raymond
Massey, Ruth Gordon, Gene Lockhart, Howard de Silva
AAN Raymond Massey, James Wong Howe
2. Advise and Consent, US 1962 (139 min) (DVD)
d Otto Preminger, novel Allen Drury, ph Sam Leavitt, with Don Murray, Charles
Laughton, Henry Fonda, Walter Pidgeon.
3. The Age of Innocence, US 1993 (139 min) (DVD)
dMartin Scorsese, novel EdithWharton, m Elmer Bernstein, with Daniel Day-Lewis,
Michelle Pfei er, Winona Ryder, Alexis Smith, Geraldine Chaplin.
4. Alexander France/US/UK/Germany, Netherlands 2004 (175 min) (DVD)
d Oliver Stone, m Vangelis, with Antony Hopkins, Val Kilmer, Colin Farrell
5. Alexander Nevsky, USSR 1938 (112 min) bw
d Sergei Eisenstein, w Pyotr Pavlenko, Sergei Eisenstein, m Proko ev, ph Edouard
Tiss e, with Nikolai Cherkassov, Nikolai Okhlopkov, Andrei Abrkikosov.
6. The Age of Innocence, US 1993 (139 min) (DVD)
d Martin Scorsese, novel Edith Wharton, with Daniel Day-Lewis, Michelle Pfei er,
Winona Ryder, Alexis Smith, Geraldine Chaplin.
AA Best Costume Design
AAN Best Music; Best Screenplay; Winona Ryder;
7. The Agony and the Ecstacy, US 1965 (140 min) (DVD)
d Carol Reed, novel Irving Stone, ph Leon Shamroy, with Charlton Heston, Rex
Harrison, Diane Cilento, Harry Andrews.
8. All Quiet on the Western Front, US 1930 (130 min) bw (DVD)
d Lewis Milestone (in a manner reminiscent of Eisenstein and Lang), novel Erich
Maria Remarque, ph Arthur Edeson, with Lew Ayres, Louis Wolheim, Slilm Sum-
merville, John Wray, Raymond Gri th.
AA best picture; Lewis Mileston (as director).
9. All The King's Men, US 1949 (109 min) bw (DVD)
d Robert Rossen, w Robert Rossen, novel Robert Penn Warren, with Broderick
1Crawford, John Ireland, Mercedes McCambridge, Joanne Dru, Ann Seymour, John
AA best picture; Borderick Crawford; Mercedes McCambridge
AAN Robert Rossen (as writer); Robert Rossen (as director); John Ireland
10. All Through the Night, US 1942 (107 min) bw
d Vincent Sherman, with Humphrey Bogart, Conrad Veidt, Peter Lorre, Karen
11. Amistad, US 1997 (155 min) (DVD)
d Steven Spielberg, m John Williams, with Morgan Freeman, Nigel Hawthorne,
Anthony Hopkins.
12. Anatomy of a Murder, US 1959 (161 min) bw (DVD)
d Otto Preminger, w Wendell Mayes, novel Robert Traver, ph Sam Leavitt, with
James Steward, Ben Gazzara, Lee Remick, Eve Arden, Arthur O'Connell, George
C. Scott.
AAN best picture; Wendell Mayes; Sam Leavitt; James Stewart; Arthur O'Connell;
George C. Scott.
13. Anna Christie, US 1930 (86 min), bw (DVD)
d Clarance Brown, play Eugene O'Neill, ph William Daniels, with Greta Garbo,
Charles Bickford, Marie Dressler.
AAN Clarence Brown; William Daniels; Greta Garbo.
14. Anne of a Thousand Days, GB 1969 (146 min) (DVD)
d Charles Jarrot, w John Hale, Bridget Boland, play Maxwell Anderson, ph Arthur
Ibbetson, with Richard Burton, Genevi eve Bujold, John Colicos (as Cromwell), Irene
Papas, Anthony Quayle.
AAN best picture; Johan Hale, Bridget Boland; Arthur Ibbetson, Richard Burton;
Genevi eve Bujold, Anthony Quayle.
15. Autumn Leaves, US 1956 (108 min) bw (DVD)
d Robert Aldrich, ph Charles Lang, with Joan Crawford, Cli Robertson, Lorne
Greene, Vera Miles.
16. The Aviator, US/Japan/Germany 2004 (170 min) color/bw, (DVD)
d Martin Scorsese, w John Logan, with Leonardo DiCaprio, Cate Blanchett, Kate
Beckinsale, John C. Reilly, Alan Alda.
AA Cate Blanchett, Thema Schoonmaker (editing), Robert Richardson (cinematog-
raphy), Dante Ferretti (art director), Francesca Lo Schiavo (set director).
AAN Martin Scorsese, Leonardo DiCaprio, Alan Alda, John Logan.
217. The Bad and the Beautiful, US 1952 (118 min), bw
d Vincente Minelly, w Charles Schnee, ph Robert Surtees, with Kirk Douglas, Lana
Turner, Walter Pidgeon, Dick Powell, Gloria Graham, Berry Sullivan.
AA Charles Schnee; Robert Surtees; art direction; Gloria Graham
AAN Kirk Douglas.
18. The Barefoot Contessa, US 1954 (128 min) (DVD)
dw Joseph L. Mankiewicz, with Humphrey Bogart, Ava Gardner.
19. Becket GB 1964 (149 min) (DVD)
d Peter Glenville, w Edward Anhalt, ph Geo rey Unsworth, m Laurence Rosenthal,
with Richard Burton, Peter O'Toole, Donald Wol t, John Gielgud.
AA Edward Anhalt
AAN best picture; Peter Glenville; Geo rey Unsworth; Laurence Rosenthal; Richard
Burton; Peter O'Toole; John Gielgud.
20. Ben Hur, US 1959 (217 min)
d William Wyler, Andrew Marton, ph Robert L. Surtees, m Miklos Rozsa, with
Charlton Heston, Haya Harareet, Jack Hawkins, Stephen Boyd, Hugh Gri th,
Martha Scott, Sam Ja e.
AA Best picture; William Wyler, Robert L. Surtees; Miklos Rozsa; Charlton Heston.
21. Beyond the Forest, US 1949 (96 min) bw
d King Vidor, novel Stuart Engstrandt, m Max Steiner, with Bette Davis, Joseph
Cotten, David Brian, Ruth Roman.
AAN Max Steiner.
22. The Big Country US 1958 (165 min) (DVD)
d William Wyler, novel Donald Hamilton, m Jerome Moross, with Gregory Peck,
Jean Simmons, Charlton Heston, Carroll Baker, Burt Ives, Charles Bickford.
AA Burt Ives
AAN Jerome Moross.
23. The Big Shot, US 1942 (82 min) bw (DVD)
d Lewis Seiler, with Humphrey Bogart, Irene Manning, Richard Travis, Howard da
24. The Big Sleep, US 1946 (114 min)
d Howard Hawks, novel Raymond Chandler, m Max Steiner, with Humphrey Bogart,
Lauren Bacall, John Ridgely, Martha Vickers, Dorothy Malone.
25. Die bitteren Tr anen der Petra Von Kant, Germany 1972 (100 min) DVD
d Rainer Werner Fassbinder, with Margit Carstensen, Hanny Schygulla, Katrin
Schaake, Eva Mattes.
326. Black Narcissus GB 1946 (100 min) (DVD)
wd Michael Powell, novel Rumer Godden, ph Jack Cardi , with Deborah Kerr, David
Farrar, Sabu, Jean Simmons, Kathleen Byron
AA Jack Cardi
27. Blade Runner, US 1982 (117 min)
d Ridley Scott, novel Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? by Philip K. Dick, m
Vangelis, with Harrison Ford, Rutger Hauer, Sean Young, Daryl Hannah.
28. Blades of Courage, Canada 1988 (98 min) (DVD)
d Randy Bradshaw, produced for TV, with Christianne Hirt, Colm Feore, Stuart
Hughes, Tom Butler, Lynn Nightingale.
29. Die Blechtrommel (The Tin Drum), BRD/France 1979 (142 min)
d Volker Schl ondor , novel G unter Grass, m Maurice Jarre, with David Bennent,
Mario Adorf, Angela Winkler, Heinz Bennent.
AA best foreign lm.
30. Die Bleierne Zeit (Marianne and Juliane), BRD 1981 (106 min)
d Margarethe von Trotta, with Jutta Lampe, Barbara Sukowa, R udiger Vogler, Doris
31. Blonde Venus, US 1932 (97 min) bw
d Josef von Sternberg, ph Bert Glennon, with Marlene Dietrich, Herbert Marshall,
Cary Grant, Dickie Moore.
32. The Blue Angel, Germany 1930 (98 min) bw
d Josef von Sternberg, w Robert Liebmann, Karl Zuckmayer, Karl Vollmoeller,
novel Professor Unrath by Heinrich Mann, m Frederick Hollander (inc `Falling in
Love Again',`They Call Me Wicked Lola'), with Marlene Dietrich, Emil Jannings,
Kurt Gerron, Hans Albers.
33. The Blue Gardenia, US 1953 (90 min) bw
d Fritz Lang, with Anne Baxter, Richard Conte, Raymond Burr, Nat King Cole.
34. Blue Velvet, US 1986 (120 min) (DVD)
d David Lynch, m Angelo Badalementi, with Isabella Rossellini, Kyle MacLachlan,
Dennis Hopper, Laura Dern.
AAN David Lynch
35. Breakfast at Ti any's, US 1961 (115 min)
d Blake Edwards, w George Axelrod, novel Truman Capote, m Henry Mancini, with
Audrey Hepburn, George Peppard, Patricia Neal.
AA Henry Mancini, song 'Moon River'.
436. Broken Arrow, US 1950 (92 min)
d Delmer Daves, novel Blood Brother by Elliot Arnold, with James Stewart, Je
Chandler, Debra Paget, Basil Ruysdael.
37. The Caine Mutiny, US 1954 (125 min)
d Edward Dmytryk, novel Herman Wouk, m Max Steiner, with Humphrey Bogart,
Jose Ferrer, Van Johnson, Fred MacMurray.
38. Camille Claudel, France 1989 (149 min)
d Bruno Nuytten, with Isabelle Adjani, Gerard Depardieu.
39. The Caretakers, US 1963 (97 min) bw (DVD)
d Hall Bartlett, w Henry F. Greenberg, novel Daniel Telfer, ph Lucien Ballard, with
Polly Bergen, Robert Stack, Joan Crawford, Diane McBain, Janis Paige.
AAN Lucien Ballard
40. The Carpetbaggers, US 1964 (150 min)
d Edward Dmytryk, novel Harold Robbins, with George Peppard, Caroll Baker,
Alan Ladd, Martin Balsam, Martha Hyer.
41. Casablanca, US 1943 (102 min) bw
d Michael Curtiz, w Julius G. Epstein, Philip G. Epstein, Howard Koch, with
Humphrey Bogart, Ingrid Bergman, Paul Henreid, Claude Rains, Sydney Green-
street, Peter Lorre
AA best picture; Julius G. Epstein, Philip G. Epstein, Howard Koch; Michael Curtiz.
42. Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, US 1958 (108 min)
d Richard Brooks, w Richard Brooks, James Poe after the play by Tennessee
Williams, with Paul Newman, Burl Ives, Elizabeth Taylor.
43. Cat People, US 1942 (72 min) bw
d Jacques Tourneur, w De Witt Bodeen, with Simone Simon, Kent Smith, Tom
Conwey, Jane Randolph, Jack Holt.
44. Cat People, US 1982 (118 min)
d Paul Schraeder, m Giorgio Moroder, with Nastassja Kinski, Malcolm McDowell,
John Heard, Annette O'Toole.
45. Chaplin, UK/US/France/Italy 1992 (143 min) bw/color (DVD)
d Richard Attenborough, with Roberd Downey Jr., Geraldine Chaplin, Paul Rhys,
Moira Kelly, Anthony Hopkins.
46. Chariots of Fire, GB 1981 (121 min)
d Hugh Hudson, w Colin Welland, m Vangelis, with Ben Cross, Ian Charleson, Nigel
5Havers, Nicholas FArrell, Ian Holm.
AA Best picture; Colin Welland; Vangelis; costume design (Milera Cononero).
47. Chinatown, US 1974 (131 min)
d Roman Polanski, w Robert Towne, with Jack Nicholson, Faye Dunaway, John
Huston, Perry Lopez, Roman Polanski.
AA Robert Towne.
48. Citizen Kane, US 1941 (119 min)
d Orson Welles, w Herman J. Mankiewicz, Orson Welles, ph Gregg Toland, with Or-
son Welles, Joseph Cotten, Dorothy Comingore, Everett Sloane, Agnes Moorehead.
AA Herman J. Mankiewicz, Orson Welles (script).
49. The Crimson Pirate, GB 1952 (104 min)
d Robert Siodmak, with Burt Lancaster, Nick Cravat, Eva Bartok.
50. The Cutting Edge, US 1992 (101 min) (DVD)
d Paul Michael Glaser, with D.B. Sweeney, Moira Kelly, Terry O'Quinn, Roy Dotrice.
51. Dangerous Liaisons, US 1988 (120 min)
d Stephen Frears, novel Les Liaisons Dangereuses by Choderlos de Laelos, with John
Malkovich, Glenn Close, Michelle Pfei er.
52. Dark Passage, US 1947 (106 min) bw (DVD)
d Delmer Daves, novel David Goodis, with Humphrey Bogart, Lauren Bacall, Agnes
Moorehead, Bruce Bennet, Tom D'Andrea.
53. Dark Victory, US 1939 (106 min) bw (DVD)
d Edmund Goulding, play George Brewer Jr, Bertram Bloch, m Max Steiner, with
Bette Davis, George Brent, Humphrey Bogart, Ronald Reagan.
AAN Bette Davis, Max Steiner, best picture
54. David and Bathsheba, US 1951 (116m)
d Henry King, ph Leon Shamroy, with Gregory Peck, Susan Hayward, James Robert-
son Justice, Raymond Massey.
55. David Copper eld, US 1934 (132 min) colorized bw
d George Cukor, w Hugh Walpole, Howard Estabrook, novel Charles Dickens, with
Freddie Bartholemew, Frank Lawton, W.C. Fields, Roland Young, Basil Rathbone,
Jessie Ralph.
56. The DaVinci Code, US 2006 (149 min) (DVD)
d Ron Howard, novel Dan Brown with Tom Hanks, Audrey Tautou, Ian McKellen,
Jean Reno.
657. Deception, US 1946 (112 min) bw (DVD)
d Irving Rapper, w John Collier, play Monsieur Lambertheir by Louis Verneuil, with
Bette Davis, Claude Rains, Paul Henreid, John Abbott.
58. The Departed US/Hong Kong 2006 (151 min) (DVD)
d Martin Scorsese, w William Monahan, with Leonardo DiCaprio, Matt Damon,
Jack Nicholon, Mark Wahlberg, Martin Sheen, Vera Farmiga.
AA Martin Scorsese; best picture; best editing; William Monahan
AAN Mark Wahlberg
59. Desire Under the Elms, US 1958 (111 min) bw
d Delbert Mann, play Eugene O'Neill, with Sophia Loren, Burl Ives, Anthony
Perkins, Frank Overton.
60. The Desperate Hours, US 1955 (112 min) bw (DVD)
d William Wyler, w & novel & play Joseph Hayes, with Frederick March, Humphrey
Bogart, Martha Scott, Arthur Kennedy.
61. Destry Rides Again US 1939 (94 min) bw (DVD)
d George Marshall, novel Max Brand, songs Frederick Hollander, Frank Loesser,
m Frank Skinner, with James Stewart, Marlene Dietrich, Brian Donlevy, Charles
62. The Devil Wears Prada, US 2006 (109 min) (DVD)
d David Frankel, novel Lauren Weisberger, with Maryl Streep, Anne Hathaway,
Emily Blunt, Stanley Tucci, Simon Baker.
63. The Diary of Anne Frank, US 1959 (170 min) bw (DVD)
d George Stevens, w Frances Goodrich, Albert Hackett from their play based on
Anne Frank's diaries, ph William C. Mellor, with Millie Perkins, Joseph Schildkraut,
Shelley Winters, Ed Wynn.
AA William C. Mellor, Shelley Winters.
64. Diva, France 1981 (117 min)
wd Jean-Jacques Beineix, pd HiltonMcConnico, with Frederic Andrei, Roland Bertin,
Richard Bohringer, Wilhelmenia Wiggins Fernandez.
65. Don't Look Now, GB 1973 (110 min)
d Nicholas Roeg, ph Anthony Richmond, story Daphne du Maurier, with Donald
Sutherland, Julie Christie, Hilary Mason, Clelia Mantania, Massimo Serrato.
66. Double Indemnity, US 1944 (107 min), bw (DVD)
d Billy Wilder, novel James M. Cain, with Fred MacMurray, Barbara Stanwyck,
Edward G. Robinson, Jean Heather.
767. Dr Faustus GB 1967 (93 min)
d Richard Burton, Nevill Coghill, play Christopher Marlowe, with Richard Burton,
Andreas Teuber, Elizabeth Taylor, Ian Marter.
68. Doctor Zhivago, US 1965 (192 min)
d David Lean, novel Boris Pasternak, it w Robert Bolt, ph Frederick A. Young, m
Maurice Jarre, with Omar Sharif, Julie Christie, Geraldine Chaplin, Rod Steiger,
Alec Guiness, Rita Tushingham, Tom Courtenay, Ralph Richardson.
AA Robert Bolt, Frederick A. Young, Maurice Jarre. AAN best picture, David Lean,
Tom Courtenay.
69. Dreams (Yume), Japan 1990 (120 min)
d Akira Kurosawa, w Akira Kurosawa, with Akira Terao, Mitsuko Baisho, Toshie
Negeshi, Martin Scorcese.
70. Duel in the Sun US 1946 (135 or 138 min)
d King Vidor (and others), w David O.Selznick, Oliver H.P. Garret, m Dmitri
Tiomkin, with Joseph Cotten, Gregory Peck, Jennifer Jones, Lionel Barrymore,
Lillian Gish, Walter Huston.
The uncredited directors included Joseph Von Sternberg,William Dieterle, B. Reeves
Eason, and Selznick himself.
71. The Duellists, GB 1977 (101 min) (DVD)
d Ridley Scott, story The Point of Honor by Joseph Conrad, m Howard Blake, with
Keith Carradine, Harvey Keitel, Albert Finney, Tom Conti.
72. The English Patient, US 1996 (160 min) (DVD)
d Anthony Minghella, novel Michael Ondaatje, m Gabriel Yared, c John Seale, with
Ralph Fiennes, Juliette Binoche, Kristin Scott Thomase, Willem Dafoe, J urgen
AA Juliette Binoche, Ralph Fiennes, Stuart Craig, John Seale, Gabriel Yared, An-
thony Minghella.
AAN Ralph Fiennes, Kristin Scott Thomas.
73. Evita, US 1995 (135 min)
d Alan Parker, m Andew LloydWebber, withMadonna, Antonio Banderas, Jonathan
AA Best Song
74. Exodus US 1960 (220 min) (DVD)
d Otto Preminger, novel Leon Uris, ph Sam Leavitt, m Ernest Gold, with Paul
Newman, Eva Marie Saint, Peter Lawford, Lee J. Cobb, Sal Mineo.
AA Ernest Gold
AAN Sam Leavitt, Sal Mineo
875. Fahrenheit 9/11, US 2004 (124 min) (DVD)
d Michael Moore, w Michael Moore, Documentary.
76. The Fall of the Roman Empire, US/Spain 1964 (187 min) (DVD)
d Anthony Mann, m Dimitri Tiomkin with Alec Guinness, Christopher Plummer,
Stephen Boyd, James Mason, Sophia Loren, Mel Ferrer, Omar Sharif
AAN Dimitri Tiomkin
77. Faust, Germany 1926 (100 min), bw, silent
d F. W. Murnau, w Hans Kyser, with Emil Jannings, Gosta Ekman, Camilla Horn,
William Dieterle, Yvette Guilbert.
78. Faust, Germany 1960 (128 min), bw
d Peter Gorski, play Johann Wolfgang Goethe, with Gustav Gr undgens, Will Quad-

ieg, Uwe Friedrichsen, Elisabeth Flickenschildt, Friedrich G. Beckhaus, Ella B uchi.
79. Fiddler on the Roof US 1971 (180 min) (DVD)
d Norman Jewison, w Joseph Stein, from his play, ph Oswald Morris, m John
Williams, with Topol, Norma Crane, Leonard Frey, Molly Picon.
AA Oswald Morris, John Williams
AAN best picture, Norman Jewison, Topol, Leonard Frey
80. Flamingo Road, US 1949 (94 min), bw
d Michael Curtiz, w Robert Wilder, from his novel, m Max Steiner, with Joan
Crawford, David Brian, Sidney Greenstreet, Zachary Scott.
81. For Whom the Bell Tolls US 1943 (168 min) bw (DVD)
d Sam Wood, novel Ernest Hemingway, ph Ray Rennahan, m Victor Young, with
Gary Cooper, Ingrid Bergman, Akim Tamiro , Katina Paxinou, Vladimir Sokolo .
AA Katina Paxinou
AAN best picture; Ray Rennahan; Victor Young; Gary Cooper; Ingrid Bergman;
Akim Tamiro .
82. A Foreign A air US 1948 (116 min) bw (DVD)
d Billy Wilder, w Charles Brackett, Billy Wilder, Richard Breen ph Charles Lang
Jnr, m Frederick Hollander, with Jean Arthur, Marlene Dietrich, John Land, Millard
AAN Script, Charles Lang Jnr
83. Foreign Correspondent US 1940 (120 min) bw (DVD)
d Alfred Hitchcock, w Charles Bennett, Joan Hrrison, James Hilton, Robert Bench-
ley, from Personal History by Vincent Sheean, ph Rudolph Mat e, with Joel McCrea,
Laraine Day, Herbert Marshall, Albert Basserman, George Sanders.
AAN best picture; Script' Rudolph Mat e, Albert Basserman.
984. The Fountainhead, US 1949 (114 min) bw (DVD)
d King Vidor, novel,w Ayn Rand, ph Robert Burks, Max Steiner, with Gary Cooper,
Patricia Neal, Raymond Massey.
85. The French Lieutenant's Woman UK 1981 (121 min) DVD
d Karel Reisz, screenplay Harold Pinter, novel John Fowles, with Meryl Streep,
Jeremy Irons, Hilton McRae, Emiliy Morgan.
86. Frida, US/Canada/Mexico 2002 (123 min) (DVD)
d Julie Taymor, w Clancy Sigal, novel Hayden Herrera, with Salma Hayek, Alfred
Molina, Roger Rees, Mia Maestro.
87. Fury, US 1936 (94 min)
d Fritz Lang, w Bartlett Cormack, Fritz Lang, ph Joseph Ruttenberg, with Spencer
Tracy, Sylvia Sidney, Bruce Cabot, Walter Abel.
88. The Garden of Allah, US 1936 (80 min) bw (DVD)
d Richard Boleslawski, it novel Robert Hichens, ph W. Howard Greene, Harold
Rosson, m Max Steiner, with Marlene Dietrich, Charles Boyer, Basil Rathbone,
Tilly Losch.
AA photography
AAN Max Steiner
89. Gaslight, US 1944 (114 min)
d George Cukor, ph Joseph Ruttenberg, with Ingrid Bergman, Charles Boyer, Joseph
Cotten, Dame May Whitty, Angela Landsbury.
AA Ingrid Bergman.
90. Genghis Khan, US 1964 (126 min)
d Henry Levin, with Omar Sharif, Stephen Boyd, Francoise Dorleac, James Mason,
Telly Savalas.
91. Germania, anno zero, Italy 1947 (78 min) bw (DVD)
dw Roberto Rossellini, m Renzo Rossellini, with Franz Gruger and a cast of non-
92. The Goddess, US 1958 (105 min) bw (DVD)
d John Cromwell, w Paddy Chayefsky, it with Kim Stanley, Lloyd Bridges, Steven
Hill, Betty Lou Holland.
AAN best original screenplay, Paddy Chayefsky
93. Gone with the Wind, US 1939 (220 min) (DVD)
d Victor Fleming (and George Cukor, Sam Wood), w Sidney Howard, novel by
Margaret Mitchell, m Max Steiner, ph Ernest Haller, Ray Rannakan, with Clark
10Gable, Vivien Leigh, Olivia de Havilland, Leslie Howard.
AA Sidney Howard; Victor Fleming; Ernest Haller, Ray Rannakan; Vivien Leigh.
94. Grand Hotel, US 1932 (115 min)
d Edmund Goulding, novel Vicki Baum, with Greta Garbo, John Barrymore, Lionel
Barrymore, Joan Crawford, Wallace Beery.
AA best picture
95. The Great Gatsby US 1974 (144 min) (DVD)
d Jack Clayton, w Francis Ford Coppola, novel F. Scott Fitzgerald, with Robert
Redford, Mia Farrow, Bruce Dern, Karen Black, Howard Da Silva.
96. The Great Lie, US 1941 (107 min) bw
d Edmund Goulding, novel January Heights by Polan Banks, m Max Steiner, with
Betty Davis, Mary Astor, George Brent, Lucile Watson, Hattie McDaniel.
AA Mary Astor.
97. Greed, US 1923 (24 fps), bw silent
wd Erich Von Stroheim, novel McTeague by Frank Norris, ph Ben Reynolds, William
Daniels, Ernest B. Schoedsack, ad Richard Day, Cedric Gibbons, Erich Von Stro-
heim, with Gibson Gowland, Azsu Pitts, Jean Hersholt, Chester Conklin, Dale
98. Guess Who's Coming to Dinner, US 1967 (112 min) (DVD)
d Stanley Kramer, w William Rose, m Frank de Vol, with Spencer Tracy, Katherine
Hepburn, Katherine Houghton, Sidney Poiter, Cecil Kellaway, Beah Richards
AA William Rose; Katherine Hepburn
AAN best picture; Stanley Kramer; Frank de Vol; Spencer Tracy; Cecil Kellaway;
Beah Richards
99. Hangman also Die US 1943 (131 min) bw (DVD)
d Fritz Lang, w John Wexley, story Fritz Lang, Bertolt Brecht, m Hanns Eisler, with
Brian Donlevy, Anna Lee, Walter Brennan, Gene Lockhart, Hans von Twardowski
(as Heydrich).
AAN Hanns Eisler
100. This Happy Breed, UK 1944 (114 min) bw (DVD)
d David Lean, play Noel Coward, with Robert Newton, Celia Johnson, Amy Veness,
Alison Leggatt.
101. The Harder They Fall, US 1956 (109 min) bw (DVD)
d Mark Robson, novel Budd Schulberg, ph Burnett Gu ey, with Humphrey Bogart,
Rod Steiger, Jan Harling.
AAN Burnett Gu ey
11102. The Heiress, US 1949 (115 min), bw (DVD)
d William Wyler, w August and Ruth Goetz after the novel Washington Square
by Henry James, with Olivia de Havilland, Montgomery Clift, Ralph Richardson,
Miriam Hopkins.
103. Here comes Mr. Jordan, US 1941 (93 min) bw (DVD)
d Alexander Hall, w Seton I. Miller, Sidney Buchman, play Halfway to heaven by
Harry Segall, ph Joseph Walker, m Frederick Hollander, with Robert Montgomery,
Evelyn Keyes, Claude Rainns James Gleason
AA original story; script
AAN best picture; Seton I. MIller, Sidney Buchman; Alexander Hall; Joseph Walker;
Robert Montgomery; James Gleason
104. Hero, China 2002 (93 min) (DVD)
d Zhang Yimou, m Tan Dun, with Jet Li, Tony Leung Chiu Wai, Maggie Cheung,
Zhang Ziyi, Chen Daoming, Donnie Yen.
AA best foreign language lm
Golden Globe.
105. The Horse Whisperer, US 1998 (170 min) (DVD)
d Robert Redford, w Eric Roth, novel Nicholas Evans, with Robert Redford, Kristin
Scott Thomas, Sam Neill, Scarlett Johansson.
106. The Hours, US 2002, (114 min) (DVD)
d Stephen Daldry, novel Michael Cunningham, with Nicole Kidman, Julianne Moore,
Meryl Streep, Stephen Dillane.
AA Niclole Kidman
107. House of Spirits, Portugal/Germany/Denmark/USA 1993 (140 min) (DVD)
d Bille August, novel Isabel Allende, m Hans Zimmer, with Meryl Streep, Glenn
Close, Jeremy Irons, Winona Ryder, Vanessa Redgrave.
108. Humoresque, US 1947 (125 min), bw
d Jean Negulesco, novel Fannie Hurst, ph Ernest Haller, md Franz Waxman, with
Joan Crawford, John Gar eld, Oscar Levant, J. Carrol Naish, Joan Chandler.
AAN Franz Waxman.
109. The Hunger, US 1983 (99 min)
d Tony Scott, novel Whitley Strieber, with Catherine Deneuve, Susan Sharadon,
David Bowie, Cli de Young.
110. Hush Hush Sweet Charlotte, US 1964 (133 min)
d Robert Aldrich, m Frank de Vol, with Bette Davis, Olivia de Havilland, Joseph
Cotten, Mary Astor, Agnes Moorehead.
12111. Ice Princess, US/CA 2005 (92 min) (DVD)
d Tim Fywell, with Joan Cusack, Kim Cattrall, Michelle Trachtenberg.
112. Immortal Beloved, UK/US 1994 (120 min)
d Bernard Rose, with Gary Oldman, Jeroen Krabb'e, Isabella Rossellini, Johanna
ter Steege.
113. In a Lonely Place, US 1950 (93 min), bw (DVD)
d Nicholas Ray, novel Dorothy B. Hughes, with Humphrey Bogart, Gloria Grahame,
Frank Lovejoy, Art Smith.
114. An Inconvenient Truth, US 2006 (100 min) (DVD)
d Davis Guggenheim, Documentary, with Al Gore
115. Inherit the Wind US 1960 (127 min) bw (DVD)
d Stanley Kramer, play Jerome Lawrence, ph Ernest Laszlo, with Spencer Tracy,
Fredric March, Florence Eldridge, Gene Kelly, Dick York, Donna Anderson.
AAN script; Ernest Laszlo, Spencer Tracy.
116. Indochine, France 1992, (148 min) (DVD)
d R egis Wargnier, m Patrick Doyle, with Catherine Deneuve, Vincent Perez, Linh
Dan Pham, Jean Yanne.
AA Best Foreign Language Film
AAN Catherine Deneuve
117. Intolerance, US 1916 (115 min), bw, silent
wd David Wark Gri th, with Lilian Gish, Mae Marsh, Robert Harron, Howard
Gaye, Lillian Langdon, Margery Wilson, Eugene Pallette, Constance Talmadge,
Elmer Clifton.
118. Is Paris Burning? France/US 1965 (165 min), bw/color (DVD)
d Ren'e Cl'ement, w Francis Ford Coppola, ph Marcel Grignon, m Maurice Jarre,
with Leslie Caron, Gert Fr obe, Charles Boyer, Yves Montand, Orson Welles, Alain
Delon, Jean-Paul Belomondo, Kirk Douglas, Anthony Perkins, Simone Signoret.
sf AAN Marcel Grignon
119. I Want to Live, US 1958 (120 min) bw (DVD)
d Robert Wise, w Nelson Gidding, Don Mankiewicz, ph Lionel Lindon, with Susan
Hayward, Simon Oakland, Virginia Vincent.
AA Susan Hayward
AAN Nelson Gidding, Don Mankiewicz; Robert Wise; Lionel Lindon.
120. Jane Eyre, US 1943 (96 min) bw
d Robert Stevenson, w Aldous Huxley, Robert Stevenson, John Houseman, ph
13Bernard Herrmann, with Joan Fontaine, Orson Welles, Margaret O'Brien, Henry
Daniell, Agnes Moorehead, Elizabeth Taylor, John Abbott.
121. Je erson in Paris, France/US 1995 (139 min) (DVD)
d James Ivory, m Richard Robbins, with Nick Nolte, Gwyneth Paltrow, Estelle
Eonnet, Thandie Newton.
Cannes Goldon Palm Nomination James Ivory
122. Jezebel, US 1938 (104 min), bw
d William Wyler, play Owen Davis Snr, m Max Steiner, with Bette Davis, Henry
Fonda, George Brent, Margaret Lindsay, Fay Bainter.
AA Bette Davis, Fay Bainter.
123. Johnny Guitar, US 1953 (110 min)
d Nicholas Ray, novel Roy Chanslor, with Joan Crawford, Mercedes McCambridge,
Sterling Hayden, Ernest Borgnine, John Carradine.
124. Le Jour Se L eve, France 1939 (95 min) bw (DVD)
d Marcel Carn e, w Jacques Viot, Jacques Pr evert, with Jean Gabin, Jules Berry,
Arletty, Jacqueline Laurent.
125. Judgement at Nuremberg, US 1961 (190 min), bw
d Stanley Kramer, w Abby Mann, from his play, ph Ernest Laszlo, with Spencer
Tracy, Marlene Dietrich, Burt Lancaster, Richard Widmark, Maximilian Schell,
Judy Garland, Montgomery Clift, William Shanter.
AA Abby Mann, Maximilian Schell
AAN best picture, Stanley Kramer, Ernest Laszlo, Spencer Tracy, Judy Garland,
Montgomery Clift.
126. Julius Caesar, US 1953 (121 min), bw
wd Joseph L. Mankiewicz, ph Joseph Ruttenberg, m Miklos Rozsa, with John Giel-
gud, James Mason, Marlon Brando, Greer Garson, Deborah Kerr.
127. Kagemusha, Japan 1980 (179 min)
wd Akira Kurosawa, ph Kazuo Miyagawa, with Tatsura Nakadai, Tsutomu Ya-
mazaki, Kenichi Hagiwara.
AAN best foreign lm; art direction
BFA direction; costume design
128. Key Largo, US 1948 (101 min), bw (DVD)
d John Houston, w Maxwell Anderson, m Max Steiner, with Humphrey Bogart,
Edward G. Robinson, Lauren Becall, Lionel Barrymore, Claire Trevor.
AA Claire Trevor.
14129. Kid Galahad US 1937 (101 min), bw
d Michael Curtiz, novel Francis Wallace, with Edward G. Robinson, Bette Davis,
Wayne Morris, Jane Bryan, Humphrey Bogart, Harry Carey.
130. The Killers, US 1946 (105 min)
d Robert Siodmak, w Anthony Veiller, story Ernest Hemingway, with Burt Lan-
caster, Ava Gardner, Edmond O'Brian.
131. King Arthur, USA/Ireland 2004 (126 min) (DVD)
d Antoine Fuqua, w David Franzoni, with Clive Owen, Ioan Gru udd, Mads Mikkelsen.
132. Kinsey, US/Ger 2004 (118 min) (DVD)
d Bill Condon, with Liam Neeson, Laura Linney, Chris O'Donnel, Peter Sarsgaard.
AA Laura Linney.
133. Kismet, US 1944 (100 min)
d William Dieterle, ph Charles Rosher, with Ronald Colman, Marlene Dietrich,
James Craig, Edward ARnold, Ann Page.
134. Knock on Any Door, US 1949 (100 min)
d Nicholas Ray, novel Willard Motley, with Humphrey Bogart, John Derek, George
Macready, Allene Roberts.
135. Koyaanisqatsi, US 1983 (86 min)
d Godfrey Reggio, w Ron Fricke, Godfrey Reggio, Michael Hoenig, Alton Walpole,
m Philip Glass.
136. Kumonosu-jo (Throne of Blood), Japan 1957, bw
d Akira Kurosaw, w Hideo Oguni, Shinobu Hashimoto, Ryuzo Kikishima, Akira
Kurosawa from Shakespeares's play, ph Asaichi Nakai, m Masaru Sato.
137. The Lady from Shanghai, US 1948 (87 min) bw
wd Orson Welles, novel If I Die Before I Wake by Sherwood King, ph Charles Lawton
Jnr, with Orson Welles, Rita Hayworth, Everett Sloane, Glenn Anders.
138. The Last Emperor, Italy 1987 (164 min)
d Bernardo Bertolucci, with John Lone, Peter O'Toole, Joan Chen.
139. The Last Metro, France 1980 (131 min)
wd Fran cois Tru aut, m Georges Delerue, with Catherine Deneuve, G erard Depar-
dieu, Jean Poiret, Heinz Bennent.
AAN best foreign lm.
15140. Last of the Belles US 1974 (98 min) TV (DVD)
d George Schaefer, w James Costigan short story F. Scott Fitzgerald, with Richard
Chamberlain, Blythe Danner, Susan Sarandon, David Hu man.
141. Last of the Mohicans US 1992 (112 min) (DVD)
d Michael Mann, novel James Fenimore Cooper, with Daniel Day-Lewis, Madelaine
Stowe, Russel Means, Eric Schweig.
142. Last Tango in Paris, France, Italy, US 1972 (129 min) (DVD)
d Bernardo Bertolucci, ph Vittorio Storaro, with Marlon Brando, Maria Schneider,
Jean-Pierre L'eaud.
AAN Bernardo Bertolucci (as director), Marlon Brando
143. Lawrence of Arabia, GB 1962 (221 min)
d David Lean, m Maurice Jarre, ph Frederick A. Young, with Peter O'Toole, Omar
Sharif, Arthur Kennedy
AA best picture; David Lean; Frederick A. Young; Maurice Jarre.
144. The Left Hand of God, US 1955 (87 min)
d Edward Dmytryk, novelWilliam E. Barrett, with Humphrey Bogart, Gene Tierney,
Lee J. Cobb, Agnes Moorehead.
145. Il Gattoparde - The Leopard, US/Italy 1963 (205 min) (DVD)
wd Luchino Visconti, novel Giuseppe de Lampedusa, ph Giuseppe Rotunno, m Nino
Rota, with Burt Lancaster, Claudia Cardinale, Alain Delon, Paolo Stoppa, Serge
146. The Long Hot Summer, US 1958 (118 min)
d Martin Ritt, stories William Faulkner, with Orson Welles, Paul Newman, Joanne
Woodward, Lee Remick.
147. Look Back in Anger, GB 1959 (99 min) bw (DVD)
d Tony Richardson, play John Osborne, ph Oswald Morris, with Richard Burton,
Mary Ure, Claire Bloom, Edith Evans, Gary Raymond.
148. The Lost Honor of Katharina Blum, BRD 1975 (97 min)
d Volker Schl ondor and Margarethe von Trotta, novel Heinrich B oll, with Angela
Winkler, Mario Adorf, Heinz Bennent, J urgen Prochnow.
149. The Lost Weekend, US 1945 (101 min) bw (DVD)
d Billy Wilder, w Charles Brackett, Billy Wilder, novel Charles Jackson, m Miklos
Rozsa, ph John F. Seitz, with Ray Milland, Jane Wyman, Philip Terry, Howard da
AA Billy Wilder, Ray Milland, best picture, best script
AAN John F. Seitz, Miklos Rozsa
16150. Love Letters, US 1945 (101 min) bw (DVD)
d William Dieterle, w Ayn Rand, novel Pity My Simplicity by Chris Massie, m
Victor Young, with Jennifer Jones, Joseph Cotten, Ann Richards, Gladys Cooper.
AAN Jennifer Jones; title song; Victor Young.
151. Lust for Life, US 1956 (122 min)
d Vincente Minnelli, w Carl Forman, novel Irving Stone, with Kirk Douglas (Vincent
Van Gogh), Anthony Quinn, James Donald.
AA Anthony Quinn
152. MacKenna's Gold, US 1969 (136 min)
d J. Lee-Thompson, w Carl Foreman, novel Will Henry, with Gregory Peck, Omar
Sharif, Telly Savalas, Edward G. Robinson.
153. The Magni cent Ambersons, US 1942 (88 min) bw (DVD)
dw Orson Welles, novel Booth Tarkington, with Joseph Cotten, Dolores Costello,
Agnes Moorehead, Tim Holt, Anne Baxter.
154. The Maltese Falcon, US 1941 (101 min)
wd John Huston, novel Dashiell Hammet, with Humphrey Bogart, Mary Astor, Peter
Lorre, Sidney Greenstreet.
155. A Man for All Seasons, GB 1966 (120 min) (DVD)
d Fred Zinnemann, ph Ted Moore, w Robert Bolt from his play, with Paul Sco eld,
Wendy Hiller, Susannah York, Robert Shaw, Orson Welles
AA best picture; Robert Bolt; Fred Zinnemann; Ted Moore; Paul Sco eld
AAN Wendy Hiller; Robert Shaw
156. Mayerling France/GB 1968 (141 min)
wd Terence Young, novel Claude Anet, with Omar Sharif, Catherine Deneuve, James
Mason, Ava Gardner, James Robertson, Genevieve Page.
157. Meet John Doe US 1941 (123 min) bw (DVD)
d Frank Capra, w Robert Riskin, m Dimitri Tiomkin, with Gary Cooper, Barbara
Stanwyck, Edward Arnold, Walter Brennan, James Gleason.
AAN Original Story (Richard COnnell, Robert Presnell)
158. Memoirs of a Geisha, US 2005 (140 min) (DVD)
d RobMarshall, book Arthur Golden, m JohnWilliams, with Ziyi Zhang, KenWatan-
abe, Koji Yakusho, Li Gong.
AA John Myhre (art director), Gretchen Rau (set director), Dion Beebe (Cinematog-
raphy), Colleen Atwood (Costume Design).
AAN John Williams, Sound and Sound Editing.
17159. Mephisto, Hungary 1981 (144 min)
d Istvan Szabo, novel Klaus Mann, ph Lajos Koltai, with Klaus Maria Brandauer,
Ildiko Bansagi, Krystyna Janda. AA best foreign lm.
160. Metropolis, Germany 1927 (120 min), bw, silent
d Fritz Lang, w Thea Von Harbou, ph Karl Freund, G unther Rittau, with Brigitte
Helm, Alfred Abel, Gustav Fr ohlich, Rudolf Klein-Rogge, Fritz Rasp.
161. Mildred Pierce, US 1945 (113 min) bw
d Michael Curtiz, novel James M. Cain, ph Ernest Haller, m Max Steiner, with Joan
Crawford, Jack Carson, Zachary Scott, Eve Arden, Ann Blyth, Bruce Bennett.
AA Joan Crawford
AAN best picture; script; Ernest Haller; Eve Arden; Ann Blyth.
162. Moby Dick, GB 1956 (116 min) (DVD)
d John Huston, w Ray Bradbury, John Huston, novel Herman Melville, ph Oswald
Morris, with Gregory Peck, Richard Basehart, Friedrich Ledebur, Orson Welles.
163. Morocco, US 1930 (97 min) bw
d Josef von Sternberg, novel Amy Jolly by Benno Vigny, ph Lee Garmes, with
Marlene Dietrich, Gary Cooper, Adolphe Menjou, Ullrich Haupt, Juliette Compton.
AAN Josef von Sternberg, Marlene Dietrich, Lee Garmes.
164. Moulin Rouge, GB 1952 (119 min)
d John Huston, w John Huston, Anthony Veiller, novel Pierre La Mure, with Jose
Ferrer, Zsa Zsa Gabor, Katherine Kath, Colette Marchand.
165. Munich US 2005 (164 min) (DVD)
d Steven Spielberg, m John Williams, w Tony Kushner, Eric Roth, with Eric Bana,
Daniel Craig, Ciaran Hinds, Mathieu Kassovitz.
AAN Steven Spielberg, John Williams, Tony Kushner & Eric Roth, editing.
166. My Cousin Rachel, US 1952 (98 min) bw (DVD)
d Henry Koster, novel Daphne du Maurier, ph Joseph La Shelle, with Olivia de
Havilland, Richard Burton, John Sutton.
AAN Joseph La Shelle, Richard Burton
167. The Name of the Rose, US/France 1986 (128 min) (DVD)
d Jean-Jaqcues Annaud, novel Umberto Eco, with Sean Connery, F Murray Abra-
ham, Michel Lonsdale, Christian Slater.
168. Night and Day, US 1946 (132 min) (DVD)
d Michael Curtiz, m/ly Cole Porter, m Max Steiner, Ray Heindorf, with Cary Grant,
Alexis Smith, Monty Wolley, Mary Martin.
AAN Max Steiner, Ray Heindorf
18169. North by Northwest, US 1959 (136 min)
d Alfred Hitchcock, w Ernest Lehman, ph Robert Burks, with Cary Grant, Eva
Marie Saint, James Mason, Leo G. Caroll.
170. Not as a Stranger, US 1955 (135 min) bw (DVD)
d Stanley Kramer, w Edna and Edward Anhalt, novel Morton Thompson, with
Robert Mitchum, Olivia de Havilland, Broderick Crawford, Frank Sinatra, Gloria
Grahame, Charles Bickford.
171. Notorious, US 1946 (101 min) bw (DVD)
d Alfred Hitchcock, w Ben Hecht, with Cary Grant, Ingrid Bergman, Claude Rains.
AAN Ben Hecht, Claude Rains
172. The Odessa File, UK/W-Germany 1974 (120 min) (DVD)
d Ronald Neame, novel Frederick Forsyth, with Jon Voigt, Maximilian Schell, Maria
Schell, Kurt Meisel, G unter Strack.
173. The Old Maid, Us 1939 (95 min) bw
d Edmund Goulding, novel Edith Wharton, m Max Steiner, with Bette Davis,
Miriam Hopkins, George Brent, Jane Bryan, Donald Crisp.
174. Oliver Twist, GB 1948 (116 min) bw (DVD)
d David Lean, w David Lean, Stanley Haynes, novel Charles Dickens, with Alec
Guiness, Robert Newton, Francis L. Sullivan.
175. Once Upon a Time in the West, Italy/US 1969 (165 min)
d Sergio Leone, m Ennio Morricone, with Henry Fonda, Claudia Cardinale, Jason
Robards, Charles Bronson, Gabriele Ferzetty.
176. On the Beach, US 1959 (143 min)
d Stanley Kramer, novel Nevil Shute, ph Giuseppe Torunno, Daniel Fapp, with
Gregory Peck, Ava Gardner, Anthony Perkins, Fred Astaire.
177. Les Parapluies de Cherbourg, France/Germanyt 1964 (91 min) (DVD)
d Jacques Demy, m Michel Legrand, with Catherine Deneuve, Nino Castelnuovo,
Anne Vernon, Marc Michel
AA Michel Legrand; Jacques Demy; best script; best music
178. The Petri ed Forest, US 1936 (83 min) bw (DVD)
d Archie Mayo, play Robert E. Sherwood, w Charles Kenyon, Delmer Daves, with
Leslie Howard, Bette Davis, Humphrey Bogart, Genevieve Tobin.
179. On the Waterfront, US 1954 (108 min) bw (DVD)
d Elia Kazan, w Budd Schulberg, from his novel, ph Boris Kaufman, m Leonard
19Bernstein, ad Richard Day, w Marlon Brando, Eva Marie Saint, Lee J. Cobb, Rod
Steiger, Karl Malden.
AA best picture; Budd Schulberg; Elia Kazan; Boris Kaufman; Richard Day; Marlon
Brando, Eva Marie Saint
AAN Leonard Bernstein, Lee J. Cobb, Rod Steiger, Karl Malden
180. Orpheu Negro, France/Italy/Brazil 1958 (106 min)
d Marcel Camus, m Luis Bonfa, Antonio Charlos Jobim, with Breno Mello, Marpessa
Dawn, Ademar da Silva, Loudes de Oliviera.
AA best foreign lm.
181. Our Town, US 1940 (90 min) bw
d Sam Wood, play Thornton Wilder, m Aaron Copland, pd William Cameron Men-
zies, with Frank Craven, William Holden, Martha Scott, Thomas Mitchell, Fay
Bainter, Guy Kibbee, Beulah Bondi.
AAN best picture; Aaron Copland; Martha Scott.
182. Out of Africa, US 1985 (150 min) (DVD)
d Sidney Pollack, m John Barry, with Maryl Streep, Robert Redford, Klaus Maria
Brandauer, Michael Kitchen.
AAN Meryl Streep
183. Papillon, US 1973 (150 min)
d Franklin Scha ner, book Henri Charriere, with Steve McQueen, Dustin Ho man,
Don Gordon, Anthony Zerbe.
184. Possessed, US 1947 (108 min) bw (DVD)
d Curtis Bernardt, novel One Man's Secret by Rita Weiman, ph Joseph Valen-
tine, with Joan Crawford, Raymond Massey, Van He
in, Geraldine Brooks, Stanley
AAN Joan Crawford.
185. Powaqqatsi, US 1988 (97 min)
d Godfrey Reggio, m Philip Glass.
186. Quo Vadis, US 1951 (171 min)
d Mervyn LeRoy, with Robert Taylor, Deborah Kerr, Peter Ustinov, Leo Genn,
Patricia La an.
187. Ran, France/Japan 1985 (DVD)
d Akira Kurosawa, ph Takao Saito, story after King Lear by William Shakespeare,
with Tatsuya Nakadai, Akira Terao, Jinpachi Nezu, Daisuke Ryu.
AA best foreign lm.
20188. Rashomon, Japan 1951 (83 min)
wd Akira Kurosawa, story Inside a Bush by Ryunosuke Akutagawa, with Toshiro
Mifune, Machiko Kyo, Masayuki Mori.
AA best foreign lm.
189. Rasputin and the Empress, US 1932 (133 min) bw (DVD)
d Richard Boleslawski, ph William Daniels, w Charles MacArthur, with John Bar-
rymore, Ethel Barrymore, Lionel Barrymore, Diana Wynyard.
AAN Charles MacArthur.
190. Ray, US 2004 (152 min) DVD
d Taylor Hackford, screenplay James L. White, m Craig Armstrong, with Jamie
Foxx, Kerry Washington, Regina King, Clifton Powell. AA Jamie Foxx.
191. Rear Window, US 1954 (112 min) (DVD)
d Alfred Hitchcock, w John Michael Hayes, novel CornellWoolrich, ph Robert Burks,
with James Stewart, Grace Kelly, Raymond Burr.
AAN John Micheal Hayes, Alfred Hitchcock, Robert Burks
192. The Red House, US 1947 (100 min) bw
wd Delmer Daves, novel George Agnew, with Edward G. Robinson, Judith Anderson,
Lon McCallister, Allene Roberts.
193. Roman Holiday, US 1953 (118 min) bw
d William Wyler, with Gregory Peck, Audrey Hepburn, Eddie Albert.
AA original story (Ian McLellan Hunter); Audrey Hepburn
194. Rancho Notorious, US 1952 (89 min)
d Fritz Lang, with Marlene Dietrich, Arthur Kennedy, Jose Ferrer, Gloria Henry.
195. The Remains of the Day, UK/US 1993 (134 min) (DVD)
d James Ivory, novel Kazuo Ishiguro, w Ruth Prawer Jhabvala, m Richard Robbons,
with Christopher Reeve, Anthony Hopkins, Emma Thompson, James Fox.
AA Anthony Hopkins, Emma Thomspon, James Ivory, Best Picture, Music, Screen-
play, Costume Design, Set-Direction.
196. The Robe US 1953 (135 min)
d Henry Koster, novel Lloyd C. Douglas, ph Leon Shamroy, with Richard Burton,
Jean Simmons, Michael Rennie, Victor Mature.
197. Rosa Luxemburg Czechoslovakia/W.Germany (122 min)
d Margarethe von Trotta, with Barbara Sukowa, Daniel Osbrychski, Otto Sander,
Hannes Jaenicke, Karin Baal.
21198. The Rose Tattoo, US 1955 (117 min) bw
d Daniel Mann, w John Michael Hayes, play Tennessee Williams, ph James Wong
Howe, with Burt Lancaster, Anna Magnani, Marisa Pavan.
AA James Wong Howe; Anna Magnani.
199. The Russia House US 1991 (140 min) (DVD)
d Fred Schepisi, novel John LeCarre, with Sean Connery, Michelle Pfei er, Roy
Scheider, James Fox, John Mahoney, Michael Kitchen, Klaus Maria Brandauer.
200. Salome, US 1953 (103 min) (DVD)
d William Dieterle, ph Charles Lang, with Rita Hayworth, Charles Laughton, Stew-
art Granger, Judith Anderson.
201. Scarlet Street, US 1945 (103 min) bw
d Fritz Lang, play La Chienne by George de la Fouchardi ere, lmed by Jean Renoir
in 1932, ph Milton Krasner, with Edward G. Robinson, Joan Bennett, Dan Duryea,
Jess Barker, Margaret Lindsay.
202. Schindler's List US 1993 (194 min)
d Steven Spielberg, novel Thomas Keneally, m John Williams, p Branko Lustig,
Gerald R. Molen, Steven Spielberg, with Liam Neeson, Ben Kingsley, Ralph Fiennes,
Caroline Goodall, Jonathan Sagall.
AA best picture, Liam Neeson, best sceenplay, best music.
203. Sense and Sensibility, US/UK 1995 (136 min) (DVD)
d Ang Lee w Emma Thompson, novel Jane Austen, m Patrick Doyle, with James
Fleet, Tomm Wilkinson, Harriet Walter, Kate Winslet, Emma Thompson
AA Emma Thompson for best script
AAN Emma Thompson; Kate Winslet; Patrick Doyle; best picture; cinematrogaphy;
costume design.
204. The Servant, GB 1963 (116 min) bw
d Joseph Losey, novel Robin Maugham, ph Douglas Slocombe, with Dirk Bogarde,
James Fox, Sarah Miles, Wendy Craig.
205. The Seventh Seal (Det Sjunde Inseglet), Sweden 1957 (95 min) bw
wd Ingmar Bergman, ph Gunnar Fischer, m Eric Nordgren, with Max Von Sydow,
Bengt Ekerot, Gunnar Bjornstrand, Bibi Anderson.
206. Shadow of a Doubt US 1943 (108 min) bw (DVD)
d Alfred Hitchcock, w Thorton Wilder, Sally Benson, Alma Reville, m Dmitri
Tiomkin, ph Joe Velentine, with Joseph Cotton, Teresa Wright, Hume Cronyn,
Macdonald Carey.
AAN original story
22207. Shanghai Express, US 1932 (84 min) bw
d Josef von Sternberg, w Jules Furthman, ph Lee Garmes, with Marlene Dietrich,
Clive Brook, Warner Oland, Anna May Wong.
AA Lee Garmes.
AAN best picture; Josef von Sternberg.
208. Silkwood US 1983 (131 min) (DVD)
d Mike Nichols, with Meryl Streep, Cher, Kurt Russell, Craig T. Nelson.
AAN Meryl Streep; Cher; direction; screenplay; editing (Sam O'Steen).
209. Since You Went Away, US 1944 (172 min) (DVD) d John Cromwell, w David
O'Selznick, novel Margaret Buell Wilder, ph Stanley Cortez, Lee Garmes, m Max
Steiner, with Claudette Colbert, Joseph Cotten, Jennifer Jones, Shirley Temple,
Agnes Moorehead, Monty Woolley, Lionel Barrymore.
AA Max Steiner
AAN best picture; Stanley Cortez; Claudette Colbert; Jennifer Jones; Monty Wool-
210. The Slender Thread, US 1966 (98 min) (DVD)
d Sydney Pollack, w Stirling Silliphant, m Quincy Jones, with Anne Bancroft, Sidney
Poitier, Telly Savalas
211. The Snow of Kilimanjaro, US 1952 (117 min)
d Henry King, story Ernest Hemingway, ph Leon Shamroy, with Gregory Peck, Susan
Hayward, Ava Gardner, Hildegard Ne .
212. Some Came Running, US 1959 (136 min) (DVD)
d Vincente Minelli, novel James Jones, m Elmer Bernstein, with Frank Sinatra, Dean
Martin, Shirley Maclaine, Martha Hyer, Arthur Kennedy.
AAN song `To Love and Be Loved'; Shirley Maclaine; Martha Hyer; Arthur Kennedy.
213. Soylent Green, US 1973 (97 min)
d Richard Fleischer, novel Make Room, Make Room by Harry Harrison, with Charl-
ton Heston, Edward G. Robinson, Leigh Taylor-Young, Joseph Cotten.
214. The Southerner, US 1945 (91 min) bw(DVD)
wd Jean Renoir, novel Hold Autumn in your Hand by George Sessions Perry m
Werner Janssen, with Zachary Scott, Betty Field, Beulah Bondi
AAN Jean Renoir; Werner Janssen
215. Stalag 17 US 1953 (120 min) bw (DVD)
d Billy Wilder, w Billy Wilder, Edwin Blum, play Donald Bevan, Edmund Trzinski,
with William Holden, Don Taylor, Otto Preminger, Robert Strauss.
23AA William Holden
AAN Billy Wilder (as director); Robert Strauss.
216. Stella Dallas, US 1937 (106 min), bw (DVD)
d King Vidor, novel Oliver Higgins Prouty, with Barbara Stanwyck, John Boles,
Anne Shirley, Barbara O'Neill.
AAN Barbara Stanwyck, Anne Shirley.
217. The Sting, US 1973 (129 min) (DVD)
d George Roy Hill, w David S. Ward, m Scott Joplin (arranged by Marvin Ham-
lisch), ph Robert Surtees, with Paul Newman, Robert Redford, Robert Shaw, Eileen
AA best picture; David S. Ward, George Roy Hill, Marvin Hamlisch
AAN Robert Surtees, Robert Redford
218. The Story of Esther Costello, GB 1957 (103 min) bw (DVD)
d David Miller, novel Nicholas Monsarrat, with Joan Crawford, Heather Sears,
Rossano Brazzi, Ron Randell.
219. Strange Interlude, US 1932 (110 min) bw
d Robert Z. Leonard, play Eugene O'Neill, with Norma Shearer, Clark Gable, May
Robson, Alexander Kirkland, Maureen O'Sullivan.
220. The Stranger, US 1946 (95 min), bw
d Orson Welles, story Victor Trivas, Decia Dunning, ph Russel Metty, with Edward
G. Robinson, Orson Welles, Loretta Young, Philip Merivale, Richard Long.
AAN Original Story
221. Suddenly Last Summer GB 1959 (114 min) bw (DVD)
d Joseph L.Mankiewicz, w Gore Vidal, play Tennessee Williams, with Katherine
Hepburn, Elizabeth Taylor, Montgomery Clift, Albert Dekker.
AAN Katherine Hepburn; Elizabeth Taylor
222. Suspicion, US 1941 (99 min) colorized version and bw
d Alfred Hitchcock, novel Before the Fact by Francis Iles, with Joan Fontaine, Cary
Grant, Nigel Bruce, Cedric Hardwicke, May Whitty.
AA Joan Fontaine.
223. La Terra Trema, Italy 1947 (180 min) bw (DVD)
d Luchino Visconti, w Luchino Visconti novel I Malavoglia by Giovanni Verga, ph
G.R. Aldo, Gianni Di Venanzo, with a cast of non-professionals.
With this lm Visconti created the socalled Neo-Realism of the European Cinema.
24224. The Third Man, GB 1949 (100 min) bw
d Carol Reed, w Graham Greene, ph Robert Krasker, m Anton Karas, with Joseph
Cotten, Trevor Howard, Alida Valli, Orson Welles (Harry Lime).
AA Robert Krasker
225. Tortilla Flat, US 1942 (106 min)
d Victor Fleming, novel John Steinbeck, with Spencer Tracy, Hedy Lamarr, John
Gar eld, Frank Morgan, Akim Tamiro .
226. The Time Machine, US 1960 (100 min)
d George Pal, novel H. G. Wells, with Rod Taylor, Yvette Mimieux, Alan Young.
227. To Have and Have Not, US 1945 (100 min)
d Howard Hawks, novel Ernest Hemingway, w Jules Furthman, William Faulkner,
with Humphrey Bogart, Lauren Bacall, Walter Brennan, Hoagy Carmichael.
228. Tomorrow is Forever, US 1945 (105 min), bw (DVD)
d Irving Pichel, m Max Steiner, with OrsonWelles, Claudette Colbert, George Brent,
Natalie Wood.
229. Touch of Evil, US 1958 (114 min) bw (DVD)
wd Orson Welles, novel Badge of Evil by Whit Masterson, ph Russell Metty, with
Charlton Heston, Orson Welles, Janet Leigh, Marlene Dietrich, Akim Tamiro .
230. The Treasure of the Sierra Madre, US 1948 (136 min), colorized bw
wd John Huston, novel B. Traven, m Max Steiner, with Humphrey Bogart, Walter
Huston, Tim Holt.
AA John Huston (as writer and director); Walter Huston.
231. The Trial (Le Proc es), France, Italy, West Germany 1962 (120 min) bw
wd Orson Welles, novel Franz Kafka, ph Edmond Richard, m Jean Ledrut, with
Orson Welles, Jeannne Moreau, Anthony Perkins, Madeleine Robinson, Elsa Mar-
tinelli, Akim Tamiro , Romy Schneider.
232. Trois Coleurs: Blanche France/Poland/Switzerland/UK 1993 (100 min)
d Krzysztof Kieslowski, m Zbigniew Preisner, with
233. Trois Coleurs: Bleu France/Poland/Switzerland/UK 1993 (100 min)
d Krzysztof Kieslowski, m Zbigniew Preisner, with Juliette Binoche, Benoit Regent,
Florence Pernel.
234. Trois Coleurs: Rouge France/Poland/Switzerland 1994 (99 min)
d Krzysztof Kieslowski, m Zbigniew Preisner, with Irene Jacob, Jean-Louis Trintig-
nant, Frederique Feder.
25235. Twelve Angry Men, US 1957 (95 min) bw (DVD)
d Sidney Lumet, play,w Reginald Rose, with Henry Fonda, Lee J. Cobb, E.G. Mar-
shall, Jack Warden.
AAN best picture, Reginald Rose, Sidney Lumet.
236. Twenty Thousand Leagues under the Sea US 1954 (122 min) (DVD)
d Richard Fleischer, w Earl Felton, novel Jules Vernes, with Kirk Douglas, James
Mason, Paul Lukas, Peter Lorre.
237. Two Women - La Ciociara, Italy/France 1960 (110 min) (DVD)
d Vittorio de Sica, novel Alberto Moravia, with Sophia Loren, Eleonora Brown,
Jean-Paul Belmondo.
AA Sophia Loren
238. Under Capricorn, GB 1949 (117 min)
d Alfred Hitchcock, novel Helen Simpson, with Ingrid Bergman, Joseph Cotten,
Michael Wilding, Margaret Leighton.
239. An Un nished Life Germany/US 2005 (107 min) (DVD)
d Lasse Hallstrom, with Robert Redford, Jennifer Lopez, Morgan Freeman, Josh
Lucas, Damian Lewis.
240. Veronica Voss, Germany 1982 (105 min) (DVD)
d Rainer Werner Fassbinder, with Rosel Zech, Hilmar Thate, Cornelia Froboess,
Annemarie D uringer.
241. The V.I.P.s, UK 1963 (119 min) (DVD)
d Anthony Asquith, w Terence Rattigan, m Miklos Rozsa, with Elizabeth Taylor,
Richard Burton, Louis Jourdan, Elsa Martinelly, Margaret Rutherford, Rod Taylor,
Orson Welles.
242. Vertigo, US 1958 (128 min) (DVD)
d Alfred Hitchcock, w Alec Coppel, Samuel Taylor, novel D'entre les Morts by
Pierre Boileau, Thomas Narcejac, ph Robert Burks, with James Stewart, Kim Novak,
Barbara Bel Geddes, Tom Helmore.
243. Walk the Line, US 2005 (136 min) (DVD)
d James Mangold, costumes Arianne Phillips, editingMichael McCusker, with Joaquin
Phoenix, Reese Witherspoon, Jennifer Goodwin, Robert Patick.
AA Reese Witherspoon
AAN Joaquin Phoenix, Sound, Editing, Costume Design
244. Wall Street, US 1987 (125 min) (DVD)
d Oliver Stone, with Charlie Sheen, Hal Holbrook, James Karen, Michael Douglas.
26245. Watch on the Rhine, US 1943 (114 min) bw (DVD)
d Herman Shumlin, w Dashiell Hammet, play Lillian Hellman, with Paul Lukas,
Bette Davis, Lucile Watson, George Coulouris.
AA Paul Lukas
AAN best picture, script, Lucile Watson
246. Whatever Happened to Baby Jane, US 1962 (132 min) bw
d Robert Aldrich, ph Ernest Haller, novel Henry Farrell, with Bette Davis, Joan
Crawford, Victor Buono, Anna Lee.
AAN Ernest Haller; Bette Davis; Victor Buono.
247. When Ladies Meet, US 1941 (108 min), bw
d Robert Z. Leonard, ph Robert Planck, with Joan Crawford, Robert Taylor, Greer
Garson, Herbert Marshall.
248. The White Countess, UK/US/Germany/China 2005 (138 min) (DVD)
d James Ivory, w Kazuo Ishiguro, with Natasha Richardson, Lynn Redgrave, Venessa
Redgrave, Madeleine Potter, Todd Jackson.
249. Witness for the Prosecution, US 1957 (114 min) bw (DVD)
wd Billy Wilder, play Agatha Christie, with Charles Laughton, Tyrone Power, Mar-
lene Dietrich, John Williams, Elsa Lanchester.
AAN best picture; Billy Wilder; Charles Laughton; Elsa Lanchester.
250. A Woman's Face, US 1941 (108 min) bw
d George Cukor, play Il Etait une Fois by Francis de Croisset, ph Robert Planck,
with Joan Crawford, Melvyn Douglas, Conrad Veidt, Osa Massen, Reginald Owen.
251. The Women, US 1939 (132 min) bw
d George Cukor, w Anita Loos, Jane Mur n, play Clare Boothe, with Norma Shearer,
Joan Crawford, Rosalind Russell, Mary Boland, Paulette Goddard, Joan Fontaine,
Lucile Watson, Hedda Hopper.
252. Written on the Wind, US 1956 (99 min) (DVD)
d Douglas Sirk, novel Robert Wilder, ph Russell Metty, with Lauren Bacall, Robert
Stack, Dorothy Malone, Rock Hudson.
AA Dorothy Malone
AAN title song, Robert Stack
253. Wuthering Heights, US 1939 (104 min) bw (DVD)
d William Wyler, ph Gregg Toland, w Ben Hecht, Charles MacArthur, novel Emily
Bronte, m Alfred Newman, with Laurence Olivier, Merle Oberon, David Niven,
Hugh Wiliams, Geraldine Fitzgerald, Miles Mander
AA Gregg Toland
27AAN best picture; script; William Wyler; Alfred Newman; Lawrence Olivier, Geral-
dine Fitzgerald
254. Der Zauberberg, BRD/France/Italy (1982)
d Hans W. Geissend orfer, novel Thomas Mann, with Rod Steiger, Marie-France
Pisier, Christoph Eichhorn, Hans Christian Blech, Charles Aznavour.
1. The Architecture of Frank Lloyd Wright
2. Frank Lloyd Wright, Documentary by Ken Burns
3. Portrait of America: Ohio
4. Portrait of America: Washington DC and Maryland
5. Clive James: FAME in the 20th Century
6. D.W. Gri th
7. Orson Welles Portrait
8. Audrey Hepburn Portrait
9. Bette Davis Portrait
10. Marilyn Monroe Portrait
11. Boris Pasternak
12. Marcel Proust
13. T-Bird and Mustang
14. OSC Summer Institute and OSC Research Projects
15. Women's Voices: Women in Science
16. Madonna The Immaculate Collection
17. The Mind's Eye, A Computer Animation Odyssee
18. Animation, Japan and Computer
19. The Machine that Changed the World History of Computing
20. Hubert Wilhelm: Saltboxes & Schools, The Barn Builders
21. Marlene, (1984) directed by Maximilian Schell
22. Marlene Her Own Song - Biography
2923. David Bowie The Video Collection
24. The American Indian's Sacred Ground
25. Hoida Indians in British Columbia, CA
26. MGM - When the Lion Roars
27. Odyssey: Myths and Moundbuilder
28. Secrets of the Aztecs and Maya
29. Lost Secrets of the Maya
30. Brain Sex Nova
31. The Elegant Universe Nova, Brian Greene
32. Cats Nature
33. Skating
(a) Superstars on Ice, World Champions on Ice II
(b) Salt Lake City 2002, Competition and Exhibition
(c) Magic Memories on Ice I, II & III
(d) Katharina Witt and Friends
(e) Skating through Time I, II & III

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